NR 360 Quiz One

  • NR 360 Quiz One
  • $25.00

Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Carmela Esqu

NR 360 Open Book Quiz One. Completing and submitting the answers to this quiz represents my personal individualized work.


Chapters 1-4, Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge.

  1. Essay: In a minimum of 175 words describe the Foundation of Knowledge Model and how it relates to the nurse as a knowledge worker.
  2. Essay: In a minimum of 175 words explain why Information Science is considered an integrative science and describe the process in which this disseminates knowledge?
  3. Essay: In a minimum of 175 words explain briefly how AI is utilized in healthcare. Then, provide a detailed example of how AI can be used to improve nursing care delivery. Watch the Video on “AI” below:
  4. Define the following terms in a few sentences using your own words from the course textbook as a reference.
  5. Another name for data that has meaning is:
  6. Early in the professional nurse’s education conscience attention is focused mainly on:
  7. An example of an expert system is the:
  8. Reliable information comes from:
  9. Computer science can facilitate:
  10. Which of the following terms refers to the OS incorporating hardware protection for virtual memory and software protection mechanisms for OS resources?




Instituition / Term
Term Uploaded 2023
Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Carmela Esqu

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