NR 302 Week 8 Final Exam Practice Comprehensive

  • NR 302 Week 8 Final Exam Practice Comprehensive
  • $55.00

Institution NR 302 Health Assessment I
Contributor Lilian
  1. Question: Which assessment by the nurse most likely indicates that a patient is having difficulty breathing?
  2. Question: Which should a nurse always do when taking a rectal temperature?
  3. Question: A nurse is assessing a patient’s ideal body weight. Which significant factor should be takin into consideration when performing this assessment?
  4. Question: A nurse asks a patient’s wife specific questions about the patient’s health status before admission. When collecting this information, the nurse is seeking information from a:
  5. Question: A nurse is preforming a physical assessment of a newly admitted patient. Which patient statement communicates subjective data?
  6. Question: A nurse takes a patient’s blood pressure and records a diastolic pressure of 120 mm Hg. Which should the nurse do first?
  7. Question: A patient had a stroke that resulted in paralysis of the right side. When clustering data, the nurse grouped the following together: drooling of saliva and slurred speech. Which information is most significant to include with this clustered data?
  8. Question: A patient who experienced a stroke has left-sided hemiparesis and is incontinent of urine. Which is an appropriately worded nursing diagnosis for this patient?
  9. Question: A nurse uses the interviewing process of clarification when interviewing a patient. Which is the nurse doing when this communication technique is used?
  10. Question: A patient has dependent edema of the ankles and feet and is obese. Which diet should the nurse expect the primary health-care provider to order?
  11. Question: A patient who is undergoing cancer chemotherapy says to the nurse, “This is no way to live.” Which response uses reflective techniques?
  12. Question: A nurse is assessing a patient who reports being incontinent. Which question should the nurse ask to elicit information related to urge incontinence?
  13. Question: Which is the most common reason why older adults become incontinent of urine?
  14. Question: What is the nurse doing when formulating a nursing diagnosis?
  15. Question: A patient has just returned from surgery with an intravenous solution infusing and does not have a gag reflex. Which planned intervention takes priority?
  16. Question: To provide aseptically safe perineal care to all female patients, which should the nurse do?
  17. Question: A patient returns to the clinic after taking a 7-day course of antibiotic therapy and is still exhibiting signs of a urinary tract infection. Which should thebe the nurse’s initial action?
  18. Question: A newly admitted patient was provided with a regular diet consisting of three traditional meals a day. After several days it was identified that he patient was eating only approximately 50% of the meals and was losing weight. What should the nurse do?
  19. Question: After surgery, a patient reports mild incisional pain while performing deep-breathing and coughing exercises. Which is he nurse’s best response:
  20. Question: An example of a goal identified by a nurse when planning a patient’s plan of care is, “The patient will:
  21. Question: When obtaining a health history, the nurse identifies that a patient has gained 10 pounds in the past week. Which step of the nursing process is performed when the nurse documents this information in the patient’s clinical record?
  22. Question: A nurse is conducting an intake interview with a patient. Which should the nurse do first to facilitate therapeutic communication with this patient”
  23. Question: Which concepts are important for the nurse to consider when interacting with others” Select all that apply.
  24. Question: A patient has expressive aphasia because of a stroke. Which should the nurse do when caring for this patient? Select all that apply.
  25. Question: Which is the primary source for assessing how a patient slept?
  26. Question: When a nurse goes into a room to take a patient’s temperature, the patient is drinking a cup of coffee. How long should the nurse wait to take the patient’s oral temperature?
  27. Question: The function of which part of the anatomy is reflected when the nurse obtains a radial pulse rate?
  28. A nurse is assessing the temperature of a patient. When can the nurse expect a patient’s temperature to be at its lowest?
  29. Question: When making rounds, the nurse finds a patient in bed with the eyes closed. Which should the nurse do?
  30. Question: A nurse takes the resting pulse of an older adult. Which pulse is within the expected range?
  31. Question: A nurse obtains the rectal temperature of an adult. Which rectal temperature is within the expected range?
  32. Question: A nurse obtains blood pressures of several patients. Which blood pressure reading is considered the most hypertensive?
  33. Question: When assessing the heart rate of a patient, the nurse identifies a change in rate from 88 to 56 beats per minute. Which should the nurse do first?
  34. Question: A function of which part of the anatomy is primarily being assessed when a nurse obtains a patient’s pedal pulse?
  35. Question: Which principle of blood pressure physiology should the nurse understand when assessing a patient’s cardiac function?
  36. Question: Which are examples of objective data? Select all that apply.
  37. Question: Which information about a patient is classified as subjective data? Select all that apply.
  38. Question: A nurse is caring for a patient who is coping with chronic pain. Which psychological reactions to chronic pain may occur? Select all that apply.
  39. Question: A nurse is working in a nursing home with a large population of older adults. Which factors related to aging influence the nutritional status of older adults that the nurse should consider? Select all that apply.
  40. Question: A patient reports being constipated. Which should the nurse encourage the patient to eat?
  41. Question: A nurse is caring for a patient diagnosed with stress incontinence. Which is the common underlying cause of stress incontinence that the nurse needs to consider when caring for this patient?
  42. Question: A culture and sensitivity test of a patient’s urine is ordered. Which should the nurse do to ensure accurate results of a urine culture and sensitivity test?
  43. Question: A nurse is assessing a patient for the presence of dysuria. Which question should the nurse ask the patient?
  44. Question: The “A” in the ABCDE rule for skin cancer stands for:
  45. Question: Providing resistance while the patient shrugs his or her shoulders is a test of which cranial nerve?
  46. Question: Visual acuity is assessed with:
  47. Question: In examining the ear of an adult, the canal is straightened by pulling the auricle:
  48. Question: When assessing a patient’s ear with an otoscope, the patient’s head should be positioned:
  49. Question: When teaching the breast self-examination, you would inform the woman that the best time to conduct breast self-examination is:
  50. Question: You are going to inspect a female patient’s breast for retraction. The best position for this part of the examination is:
  51. Question: During the examination of a 70-year-old man, you note gynecomastia. You would:
  52. Question: A function of the venous system includes:
  53. Question: Atrophic skin changes that occur with peripheral arterial insufficiency include:
  54. Question: Intermittent claudication includes:
  55. Question: Raynaud phenomenon occurs:
  56. Question: Select the sequence of events used during an examination of the abdomen.
  57. Question: Right upper quadrant tenderness may indicate pathology in the:
  58. Question: The absence of bowel sounds is established after listening for:
  59. Question: Auscultation of the abdomen may reveal bruits of which arteries?
  60. Question: The left upper quadrant contains the:
  61. Question: Shifting dullness is a test for:
  62. Question: A positive Murphy’s sign is best described as:
  63. Question: A positive Blumberg sign indicates:
  64. Question: The medical record indicates that a person has an injury to Broca’s area. When meeting this person, you expect:
  65. Question: The Glasgow Coma Scale is divided into three areas. They include:
  66. Question: During examination of the scrotum, a normal finding would be that:
  67. Question: Prostatic hypertrophy occurs frequently in older men. The symptoms that may indicate this problem are:
  68. Question: A 20-yeaer-old man has indicated that he does not perform a testicular self-examination. One of the facts that should be shared with him is that testicular cancer, although rare, does occur in men:
  69. Question: During a transillumination of a scrotum, you note a no tender mass that transilluminates with a red glow. This finding is suggestive of:
  70. Question: The congenital displacement of the urethral meatus to the inferior surface of the penis is:
  71. Question: An adhesion to the prepuce to the head of the penis, making it impossible to retract, is:
  72. Question: A patient has soft, moist, fleshy, painless papules around the anus. The examiner suspects this condition is:
  73. Question: Which finding in the prostate gland suggests prostate cancer?
  74. Question: Normal stool is described as:
  75. Question: Which symptoms suggest benign prostatic hypertrophy?
  76. Question: A patient states that he has frothy, foul –smelling stools that float on the surface of the water in the toilet bow, What type of stool is this patient describing?
  77. Question: During the examination of the genitalia of a 70-year-old woman, a normal finding would be:


Instituition / Term
Term Uploaded 2023
Institution NR 302 Health Assessment I
Contributor Lilian

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