NR 302 Week 6 Assignment Chapter 20; Heart and Neck Vessels-Vocabulary & Chapter 20 Heart and Neck Vessels-Workbook

  • NR 302 Week 6 Assignment Chapter 20; Heart and Neck Vessels-Vocabulary & Chapter 20 Heart and Neck Vessels-Workbook
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Institution NR 302 Health Assessment I
Contributor Irina

Chapter 20: Heart and Neck Vessels-Vocabulary


Angina pectoris

Aortic regurgitation

Aortic stenosis

Aortic valve

Apex of the heart

Apical impulse

Base of the heart

Bell (of the stethoscope)



Coarctation of aorta

Cor pulmonale


Diaphragm (of the stethoscope)




Erb’s point

First heart sound (S1)

Fourth heart sound(S4)

Gallop rhythm


Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH)

Midclavicular line (MCL)

Mitral regurgitation

Mitral stenosis

Mitral valve


Paradoxical splitting

Pericardial friction rub

Physiologic splitting


Pulmonic regurgitation

Pulmonic stenosis

Pulmonic valve

Second heart sound (S2

Summation gallop




Third heart sound (S1


Tricuspid valve


Chapter 20: Heart and Neck Vessels-Workbook


  1. Question: Define the apical impulse and describe its normal location, size, and duration. Which abnormal conditions may affect the location of the apical impulse?
  2. Question: Explain the mechanism producing normal first and second heart sounds
  3. Question: Describe the effect of respiration on the heart sounds.
  4. Question: Describe the characteristics of the first heart sound and its intensity at the apex of the heart and at the base.
  5. Question: Describe the characteristics of the second heart sound and its intensity at the apex of the heart and at the base.
  6. Question: Explain the physiologic mechanism for normal splitting of S2 in the pulmonic valve area.
  7. Question: Define the third heart sound. When in the cardiac cycle does it occur? Describe its intensity, quality, location in which it is heard, and method of auscultation
  8. Question: Differentiate a physiologic S3 from a pathologic S3.
  9. Question: Define the fourth heart sound. When in the cardiac cycle does it occur? Describe its intensity, quality, location in which it is heard, and method of auscultation.
  10. Question: Explain the position of the valves during the cardiac cycle in diastole, isometric contraction, systole, and isometric relaxation.
  11. Question: Define venous pressure and jugular venous pulse.
  12. Question: Differentiate between carotid artery pulsation and jugular vein pulsation.
  13. Question: List the major risk factors for heart disease and stroke as identified in this text.
  14. Question: Define bruit and discuss what it indicates.
  15. Question: State 4 guidelines to distinguish S1 from S2.
  16. Question: Define pulse deficit and discuss what it indicates.
  17. Question: Define preload and afterload.
  18. Question: List the characteristics to explore when you hear a murmur, including the grading scale of murmurs.
  19. Question: Discuss the characteristics of an innocent or functional murmur.




Instituition / Term
Term Uploaded 2023
Institution NR 302 Health Assessment I
Contributor Irina

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