NR 228 Week 8 ROK for Final Exam

  • NR 228 Week 8 ROK for Final Exam
  • $35.00

Term Summer
Institution NR 228 Nutrition, Health, and Wellness
Contributor Carmela Esqu
  1. Question: The nurse is caring for a post liver transplant client? What nutritional considerations would there be for the client?
  2. Question: The nurse is caring for a client who has been in a 2nd   story fall with multiple broken bones and head trauma. The client is on enteral feeding at 50ml/hr and a water bolus of 100ml every 4hrs. What nursing interventions would be appropriate for this client? Select all that apply
  3. Question: The nutritionist asks the new oncology nurse what is the increase in percentage of energy/ nutrients needed when a patient has an infection?
  4. Question: The GI tract not only is responsible for digestion and absorption of nutrients it also does the following: Select all that apply.
  5. Question: The nurse is discussing fluid restriction with a client with cirrhosis. The nurse realizes that the client needs further teaching when the client states?
  6. Question: The nurse is caring for a client with acute hepatitis B. The nurse knows what oral feeding would be appropriate for this client.
  7. Question: True or false. Deaths from heart disease have declined.
  8. Question: Which statement best describes the change in nutritional advice?
  9. Question: Which disease is considered a considered a chronic lung disease
  10. Question: Which of the following responses by the nurse best describes cancer cachexia?
  11. Question: The nurse understands parenteral nutrition is a standard protocol for stem cell transplantation. Why is it important to maintain some oral and enteral nutrition?
  12. Question: Resections of which portions of the GI tract can alter nutritional intake and nutrition absorption>
  13. Question: The oncology nurse is discussing the difference between acute and chronic weight loss. Which statement below is correct?
  14. Question: Which of the following forms of metabolism produces the greatest amount of carbon dioxide
  15. Question: The nurse is educating a patient with newly diagnosed hypertension. What should the nurse include in her client's teaching. SATA
  16. Question: Systemic inflammatory response syndrome is an inflammatory response that occurs in infection. Which is the correct statement
  17. Question: The nurse is caring for a client with 30% TBSA (total body surface area) burns and is on parietal feedings. What is the target blood glucose range for this client?
  18. Question: A breast cancer patient has had a reoccurrence. The patient asks the nurse if this is bone cancer because it is in her hip. What is the best response of the nurse?
  19. Question: The nurse is caring for a client with pancreatitis. What nursing considerations should the nurse have concerning the client. SATA
  20. Question: The nurse is treating a client with cholecystitis. What is the recommended therapy for symptomatic cholecystitis?
  21. Question: Low density lipoproteins constitute this percentage of total serum cholesterol?
  22. Question: During metabolic stress, some nonessential amino acids become conditionally essential. One of these amino acids are mobilized in large quantities from skeletal muscle and lung to be used directly as a fuel source by intestinal cells. What is this amino acid?
  23. Question: During severe stress, the body’s metabolic rate becomes:
  24. Question: The nurse is caring for a client with ascites. What mineral would the nurse expect to restrict?
  25. Question: The discharge planning for a patient on newly prescribed warfarin should include which of the following. ASTA


  1. Question: The nurse is caring for a patient with multi trauma accident in the ICU and nutrition has not been started. What is the client at risk if nutrient was not optimal prior to the accident?
  2. Question: The nurse is analyzing lab values. Which lab value is a cause for concern?
  3. Question: Nutritional goals for a client with over 30% (TBSA) total body surface area burns are as follows:
  4. Question: The nurse educator asks the student nurses which of the following illness have been associated with vitamin D deficiency?
  5. Question: The nurse is caring for a client with 40% TBSA (total body surface area) burns with NGT. what precautions should the nurse take prevent client aspiration?
  6. Question: A charge nurse is reviewing some nutritional facts with nursing students and ask “which factors contribute to the HIV/AIDS malnutrition? SATA
  7. Question: The nurse is caring for a client post cholecystectomy. The nurse knows that bile enters the small intestine continually rather than in response to food in the GI tract. What type of diet should some clients have to follow for several weeks after surgery?
  8. Question: The nurse is teaching students about cancer and asks the new nurse “which of the following statements are true regarding cancer? SATA
  9. Question: The nurse is caring for a client with anorexia nervosa. What happens after a brief period of going food or an interval intake below metabolic need?
  10. Question: The oncology nurse understands that the newly diagnosed HIV/AIDS patient needs further teaching when the patients states which of the following?
  11. Question: A bariatric nurse is teaching a group of clients about obstructive sleep apnea(OSA). Which one of the following choices should nurses include in the teaching of OSA? SATA
  12. Question: A community health nurse is teaching a group home residents about cardiovascular disease. A cardiac lesion that partially occludes cardiac blood flow is called which of the following choices?
  13. Question: The newly hired hematology/oncology nurse recognizes that cell replications occurs in which proper order?
  14. Question: The nurse is caring for client in the emergency department that was in an auto accident and has severe trauma. The nurse knows the client in the immediate post injury or the ( EBB phase) of the injury. What are the clients metabolic responses? SATA
  15. Question: A life threatening cause of diarrhea is cryptosporidium. The nurses understanding of cryptospridum is it can be described as a waterborne pathogen that is resistant to which of the following?


Instituition / Term
Term Summer
Institution NR 228 Nutrition, Health, and Wellness
Contributor Carmela Esqu

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