NR 228 Week 8 Discussion; Team Presentation - You Criticize Other Peoples Group Presentation: Spring Session

  • NR 228 Week 8 Discussion; Team Presentation - You Criticize Other Peoples Group Presentation: Spring Session
  • $8.00

Term Spring Session
Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Machelle

You Criticize Other Peoples Group Presentation:

Team Green, you have done very nice job by explaining comparing and explaining the nutritional needs of long term care facilities in the North & the South regions. People in the long term care faculties and older adults need the same nutrients as younger people, but in differing amounts. As people get older, the number of calories needed is usually less than when you were younger. Basic nutrient needs do not decrease with age. In fact, some nutrients are needed in increased amounts. The challenge is to develop an eating plan that supplies plenty of nutrients but not too many calories. Foods high in sugar, fat and calories can be enjoyed, but should be in moderation.


Instituition / Term
Term Spring Session
Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Machelle

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