NR 228 Week 5 Discussion; Elderly Case Study Discussion (With Response)

  • NR 228 Week 5 Discussion; Elderly Case Study Discussion (With Response)
  • $15.00

Term Summer
Institution NR 228 Nutrition, Health, and Wellness
Contributor Carmela Esqu

NR 228 Week 5 Discussion: Case Study Discussion


You are asked to see Mr. Basset, who is 80 years old, currently living alone, and has recently lost his wife. His children do not live nearby, but Mr. Basset sees them on holidays. Mr. Basset was recently diagnosed with lung cancer and has had an unexplained weight loss of 20 pounds in 3 months. He is getting chemotherapy as well as taking oral medication for hypertension and arthritis, and is showing signs of dehydration.

Mr. Basset reports that his wife did most of the cooking and he has limited cooking skills. He usually has cereal with milk and coffee for breakfast and soup for a second meal later in the day. He eats crackers throughout the day if he is hungry, but admits that he doesn’t have much of an appetite. In addition, Mr. Basset has ill-fitting dentures and claims that food just does not taste the same. He is also on a limited budget.



Instituition / Term
Term Summer
Institution NR 228 Nutrition, Health, and Wellness
Contributor Carmela Esqu

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