NR 228 Week 3 Exam 1 Study Guide

  • NR 228 Week 3 Exam 1 Study Guide
  • $25.00

Term Summer
Institution NR 228 Nutrition, Health, and Wellness
Contributor Carmela Esqu

1. Wound healing = protein

2. Omega 3 = fish

  1. Sunlight = vitamin d
  2. Primary source of energy after 4-hour hike = amino acids?
  3. Dehydration à inc. daily fluid intake à food inc. H2O by weight à watermelon
  4. Low-fat diet à wheat toast
  5. Malnutrition à low concentration????
  6. Vitamin B12 à low-fat milk, yogurt cheese; fortified cereals; beef, liver, chicken; eggs
  7. Low-sodium diet à decrease canned soup
  8. Vitamin K foods to avoid à green leafy vegetables (spinach, kale)

  1. Cholesterol panel à what dec. risk of CV disease à want high HDL and ow LDL
  2. Goal for healthy people 2020 à The overarching goals of Healthy People 2020 are to: attain high-quality, longer lives free of preventable disease, disability, injury, and premature death; achieve health equity, eliminate disparities, and improve the health of all groups; create social and physical environments that promote good health for all; and promote quality of life, healthy development, and healthy behaviors across all life stages.
  3. Gain 25-35 pounds when pregnant
  4. Vegetarian but needs to inc. protein in diet à soybeans/soy milk
  5. Essential fatty acid à Essential fatty acids, or EFAs, are fatty acids that humans and other animals must ingest because the body requires them for good health but cannot synthesize them (linolenic [omega 3] and linoleic [omega 6])
  6. Fat soluble vitamins à A, D, E, K
  7. Mineral to strengthen teeth = vitamin C or fluoride?
  8. Cannot take with blood thinners à gingko?
  9. Ginseng + insulin??? à Initiating studies have shown that

American ginseng increases insulin production and reduces cell death in pancreatic β-cells. Also, studies have revealed American ginseng's ability to decrease blood glucose in type II diabetes patients as well as in streptozotocin-induced diabetic animals.................. continue


Instituition / Term
Term Summer
Institution NR 228 Nutrition, Health, and Wellness
Contributor Carmela Esqu

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