NR 103 Week 6 Mindfulness Quiz

  • NR 103 Week 6 Mindfulness Quiz
  • $10.00

Institution NR 103 Transition to the Nursing Profession
Contributor Suarez
  1. Question: Mindful imagery, or visualization, has been shown to be helpful for improving performance of physical tasks and reducing stress.
  2. Question: When an individual simply imagines an action, the brain sends electrical signals down a chain of fibers to the individual’s muscles.
  3. Question: After 12 weeks, subjects who simply visualized themselves completing an exercise increased their strength by what percentage?
  4. Question: To increase the effectiveness of a Mindful imagery exercise, you should try to incorporate all of your senses and your feelings/emotions.
  5. Question: Which of the following better determines one’s capability to cope with environmental demands and pressures?
  6. Question: Emotional Intelligence is a static trait that is ingrained in the individual and cannot be developed.
  7. Question: Increasing your emotional intelligence is likely to result in which of the following? (Select all that apply)
  8. Question: Peak performance is more easily achieved when an individual has no stress at all.
  9. Question: Increasingyouremotionalintelligenceislikelytoimproveyourperformanceas anursebecauseitmayincreasewhichofthefollowing?(Selectallthatapply)
  10. Question: People watching is one way to develop your EQ.



Instituition / Term
Term Spring Semester
Institution NR 103 Transition to the Nursing Profession
Contributor Suarez

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