NR 103 Week 1 Mindfulness Quiz: 2022

  • NR 103 Week 1 Mindfulness Quiz: 2022
  • $20.00

Institution NR 103 Transition to the Nursing Profession
Contributor Suarez
  1. Question: Through the end of 2017, approximately how many studies have been published on the topic of Mindfulness?
  2. Question: In the breathing technique you learned in part 1, you were taught to hold your breath for a count of how many?
  3. Question: One of the keys to gaining the benefits from Mindfulness is to…
  4. Question: When the stress response is activated, what part of your brain takes over?
  5. Question: How quickly does the stress response activate when it identifies danger?
  6. Question: What % of doctor visits are for stress related conditions?
  7. Question: Which of the following is a healthy habit that may reduce your chances of getting an illness or disease? (Select all that apply)
  8. Question: Considering the Propensity to Illness equation, for many people, when their stress level increases, their incorporation of healthy habits in their life typically…
  9. Question: What percentage of nurses report stress related burnout?
  10. Question: Preventable medical errors are the ?


Instituition / Term
Term 2022
Institution NR 103 Transition to the Nursing Profession
Contributor Suarez

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