MATH 399N Week 2 Discussion; Misleading Graphs

  • MATH 399N Week 2 Discussion; Misleading Graphs
  • $10.00

Institution MATH 399N Applied Managerial Statistics
Contributor Emmaline

MATH 399N Week 2 Graded Discussion: Misleading Graphs


Read/review the following resources for this activity:


Textbook: Chapter 2


Minimum of 1 scholarly source


Initial Post Instructions

After exploring different types of graphs this week, it is unfortunate to learn that there are sometimes misleading graphs used in the news, politics, medicine, etc. in order to sway a decision or belief. Some items to watch out for in graphs area.

  1. Is there a title that explains what the graph is displaying?
  2. Are numbers on the axis spaced out proportionally or have they been varied to create a dramatic impression?
  3. Is the graph too loud? Does it have too many components that it distracts from content?
  4. Are there sources cited to know where the data came from?

Use the internet to find a misleading graph. Key Terms to Search: Misleading Graphs

  1. Provide a screenshot of the graph
  2. Cite the Source
  3. Explain why the graph is misleading


  1. Explain how you would fix the graph so it is not misleading.
  2. Explain why the creator of the misleading graph would want to create the graph in the first place.


Follow-Up Post Instructions

Respond to at least two peers or one peer and the instructor. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification.

Here are suggested responses.

Note if you find another misleading item that was not noted in your peers' post.

Explain if you would fix the graph in a different way then was presented in your peers' post.

Writing Requirements

Minimum of 3 posts (1 initial & 2 follow-up)

APA format for in-text citations and list of references



Instituition / Term
Term Year 2022
Institution MATH 399N Applied Managerial Statistics
Contributor Emmaline

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