MATH 225N Week 6 Assignment; Understanding Confidence Intervals - Excel

  • MATH 225N Week 6 Assignment; Understanding Confidence Intervals - Excel
  • $25.00

Term Summer 2021
Institution MATH 225N Statistical Reasoning for the Health Sciences
Contributor Patricia
  1. Question: In a random sample of 350 attendees of a minor league baseball game, 184 said that they bought food from the concession stand. Create a 95% confidence interval for the proportion of fans who bought food from the concession stand. Use Excel to create the confidence interval, rounding to four decimal places.
  2. Question: Inasurveyof603adults, 98 said that they regularly lie to people conducting surveys. Create a 99% confidence interval for the proportion of adults who regularly lie to people conducting surveys. Use Excel to create the confidence interval, rounding to four decimal places.
  3. Question: A sample of 22test-tubes tested for number of times they can be heated on a Bunsen burner before they crack is given below. Assume the counts are normally distributed.

Use Excel to construct a 99% confidence interval for μ. Round your answers to two decimal places and use increasing order.

  1. Question: A company wants to determine a confidence interval for the average CPU time of its teleprocessing transactions. A sample of 70random transactions in milliseconds is

given below. Assume that the transaction times follow a normal distribution with a standard deviation of 600 milliseconds. Use Excel to determine a 98% confidence interval for the average CPU time in milliseconds. Round your answers to the nearest integer and use ascending order.

  1. Question: Weights, in pounds, of ten-year-old girls are collected from a neighborhood. A sample of 26 is given below. Assuming normality, use Excel to find the 98% confidence interval for the population mean weight μ. Round your answers to three decimal places and use increasing order.
  2. Question: The monthly incomes from a random sample of 20 workers in a factory is given below in dollars. Assume the population has a normal distribution and has standard

deviation $518. Compute a 98%confidence interval for the mean of the population.

Round your answers to the nearest dollar and use ascending order.

  1. Question: In a survey of 1,000 adults in a country, 722said that they had eaten fast food at least once in the past month. Create a 95% confidence interval for the population proportion of adults who ate fast food at least once in the past month. Use Excel to create the confidence interval, rounding to four decimal places.
  2. Question: A city is holding a referendum on increasing property taxes to pay for a new high school. In a survey of 458 likely voters, 254 said that they would vote “yes” on the referendum. Create a 95% confidence interval for the proportion of likely voters who will vote “yes” on the referendum. Use Excel to create the confidence interval, rounding to four decimal places.
  3. Question: The yearly incomes, in thousands, for 24 random married couples living in a city are

given below. Assume the yearly incomes are approximately normally distributed. Use Excel to find the 95%confidence interval for the true mean, in thousands. Round your

answers to three decimal places and use increasing order.

  1. Question: In a city, 22 coffee shops are randomly selected, and the temperature of the coffee sold at each shop is noted. Use Excel to find the 90% confidence interval for the population mean temperature. Assume the temperatures are approximately normally distributed. Round your answers to two decimal places and use increasing order.
  2. Question: Suppose the weights of tight ends in a football league are normally distributed such that σ2=1,369. A sample of 49tight ends was randomly selected, and the weights are given below. Use Excel to calculate the 95% confidence interval for the mean weight of all tight ends in this league. Round your answers to two decimal places and use ascending order.
  3. Question: The following data represent a sample of the assets (in millions of dollars) of 28 credit unions in a state. Assume that the population in this state is normally distributed with σ=3.5 million dollars. Use Excel to find the 99%confidence interval of the mean assets in millions of dollars. Round your answers to three decimal places and use ascending order.



Instituition / Term
Term Summer 2021
Institution MATH 225N Statistical Reasoning for the Health Sciences
Contributor Patricia

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