MATH 225N Week 4 Quiz Review

  • MATH 225N Week 4 Quiz Review
  • $15.00

Term Year 2022
Institution MATH 225N Statistical Reasoning for the Health Sciences
Contributor Egreta Stone

MATH225—Week 4 Quiz Review

A little more focus—the Week 2 quiz covers Week 3 & 4 material. These are the concepts that you want to review before you take the Week 4Quiz.Don’t forget to practice by working through the Knewton Review Center before you take the quiz.


1.Find the mean of a data set. Remember to add all of the values together and divide by the number of data values in the set.


2.Find the median of a data set. Put the values in order and find the value in the middle. If there are two numbers in the middle, take the average of those two numbers.


3.Find the mode of a data set. Find the value that repeats most often.


4.Identify the effect of outliers on measures of central tendency.


5.Determine if a data set is skewed. Review skewed left, skewed right and symmetric.


6.Computevarianceandstandard deviation. ................ Continue




Instituition / Term
Term Year 2022
Institution MATH 225N Statistical Reasoning for the Health Sciences
Contributor Egreta Stone

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