MATH 225N Week 4 Quiz; Professor Review Notes

  • MATH 225N Week 4 Quiz; Professor Review Notes
  • $20.00

Term Year 2022
Institution MATH 225N Statistical Reasoning for the Health Sciences
Contributor Gonzaley



Select the Quiz in Knewton. It is set for 2 tries.




  • Probability (graded)
  • Q & A Forum for your questions and comments (not graded)


Here is a week 4 quiz review


Play recording (Links to an external site.) (18 min 41 sec)


Below are some excel hints to practice.


Geometric, Binomial and Poisson and combinations and permutations


The geometric is so easy I would use the formula. For instance if the probability of hitting a machine hitting the target is .8 then the probability of not hitting it is 1-.8=.2 so


Hitting target try 1 is .8^1


Hitting target try 2 is .2 * .8


Hitting target try 3 is .2^2*.8


Hitting target try 50 is .2^49*.8


To do the poisson in excel type this in a cell


For exactly 5 with mu=mean=3





Instituition / Term
Term Year 2022
Institution MATH 225N Statistical Reasoning for the Health Sciences
Contributor Gonzaley

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