MATH 225N Week 4 Assignment; ProbabilityTerminology and Notation

  • MATH 225N Week 4 Assignment; ProbabilityTerminology and Notation
  • $20.00

Term Year 2022
Institution MATH 225N Statistical Reasoning for the Health Sciences
Contributor Egreta Stone
  1. Question: A figure spinner contains the numbers 1 2 3 4 and 5 for an experiment the spinner will be spun 5 times. if event A= the spinner lands on numbers all less than 3 what is an outcome of event A.?
  2. Question: Before a college professor gave an exam he held a review session where Thirty of his 150 students attended the review the mean score of the students who attended was 86% where is the mean score of the students who did not attend the review was 79% the difference in the main scores is significant at the 0.05 level.  Assuming the review session does not associate with a higher exam score determine the meaning of the significance level?
  3. Question: which of the following gives the definition of trial?
  4. Question: the mean body temperature of a human is accepted to be 98.6 Fahrenheit in the study the body temperatures of 127 individuals were measured the mean body temperature of the individuals was calculated to be 99.04 and height. assuming the regular body temperature of human is actually 98.6 Fahrenheit the probability of these results occurring by chance is less than 0.01 interpret the result of the calculation?
  5. Question: a survey was conducted to see whether it has an association with the belief that a master's degree or higher provides an advantage in one's career. Of the 524 adults between the ages of 22 and 25 surveyed 56% believe that a master's degree has value in a person's career path.of the 458 adults surveyed between the ages of 40 and 45. 52% also believe that our master's degree has value in a person's career path resuming age is not associated with disbelief the probability of the data being the result of chance is calculated to be 0.21. Interpret this calculation?
  6. Question: Patrika will drive 8 cards from a standard 52-card deck with replacement which of the following are not events in this experiment select all the apply?
  7. Question: Arianna will roll a standard die 10 times in which she will record the value of each roll. What is a trial of this experiment?
  8. Question: A City Council sends out a survey to city residents to determine the sport for a new school being built Downtown. the survey ask residents within this support the new school being built and their location in town. Out of those who respond 376 of the 641 resident surveyed in ward 1 support the new school being built. while to 14 of the 398 resident surveyed in what to spot the new school assuming the location of residents has no Association with Supporting the new school being built the probability of the result of the survey been due to chance is calculated to be 0.12. interpret the result of this calculation?
  9. Question: a farmer claim that the average mass of an apple grown in his Orchard is 100 gram to test this claim he measure the match of 150 apples that are grown in his Orchard and determine the average mass par Apple to be 98 g. the result are calculated to be statistically significant at the 0.01 level what is the correct interpretation of this calculation?



Instituition / Term
Term Year 2022
Institution MATH 225N Statistical Reasoning for the Health Sciences
Contributor Egreta Stone

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