HUMN 303N Week 5 Digital Field Trip Reflection; The National Archives

  • HUMN 303N Week 5 Digital Field Trip Reflection; The National Archives
  • $10.00

Term Fall 2018
Institution Chamberlain
Contributor WEINRICK

Digital Field Trip Reflection - The National Archives

Student Name: … XYZ…


Summer Term


National Archives


In this paper, we will discuss the National Archives. The operation of “National archives” is to offer community access to central Government histories in our supervision and control.  We select “Declaration of Independence.” The “Declaration of Independence” statuses the ethics on which our administration, and our individuality as Americans, are also based. Dissimilar other formation documents, the “Declaration of Independence” is illegally binding. However, it is more powerful. The “Abraham Lincoln” also called “reproof and stumbling-block to oppression.” It remains to stimulate persons nearby the globe to fight for the equality and freedom..................................continue



Instituition / Term
Term Fall 2018
Institution Chamberlain
Contributor WEINRICK

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