HUMN 303N Week 7 Assignment; Controversial Art and Censorship

  • HUMN 303N Week 7 Assignment; Controversial Art and Censorship
  • $20.00

Term Uploaded 2023
Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Maureen

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Art comes alive when individuals are excited to express themselves and display to their audience what is most important to them. Sometimes individuals contemplate was being displayed and do not understand the message the artwork is being displayed therefore they are unable to relate to and consider it controversial. In this paper, I will be studying a piece of artwork by Tracey Emin and describe the value of the artwork.


The piece My Bed with was created in (1998) by Tracey Emin who is a British artist. Her piece represents household wastes scattered around an unmade bed. The artist owned the central object which happened to be the wooden bed displayed in the picture. On top of the bed held the pillows, blankets, and sheets that were dirty which displayed an unorganized mess. On the side of the bed lay a blue rug that also contained a pile of miscellaneous objects such as empty bottles, pill storage containers, briefs, toys, and other personal items. Tracey’s point was to create this picture to look like it would during a depressive period in her life.


Tracey stated that her goal was to have this demonstrate a woman who was desperately calling for help. “I had a kind of mini nervous breakdown in my very small flat and didn’t get out of bed for four days” (Schnabel, 2006). This piece was not seen in the way that Emin was hoping instead individuals have a feeling of shock and disgust. Tracey stepped out of her comfort zone on this piece because this piece displayed an intimate part of her life. This piece may have not been inspirational to the public, but it did make Tracey question herself between her personal and social life along with art and life. Personally, I feel that this picture would have been a great visual of how individuals with depression cannot physically help or do anything and they are unable to control it......... Continue


Instituition / Term
Term Uploaded 2023
Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Maureen

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