HUMN 303N Week 6 Assignment; Art Creation & Reflection-Photography-Cinema

  • HUMN 303N Week 6 Assignment; Art Creation & Reflection-Photography-Cinema
  • $20.00

Term Uploaded 2023
Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Maureen

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Art Creation & Reflection-Photography/Cinema

Photography helps individuals to see different objects in the world. Painting for certain individuals because more comes due to light reflection on canvas. The reflection tracing was about to occur with the shadow being displayed by the reflection. Photographs grew tremendously because, in today’s world, we can take pictures of anything utilizing our smartphones. On special occasions, high-grade technology is utilized by a photographer in order for individuals to get the best results. These professionals may also utilize a studio in order to customize the lighting needed for the photography.


My inspirational piece displays what looks like an abandoned church in Taos Pablo as there is nothing around it. This picture was taken by a photographer named Ansel Adams in1941. As you can see in this picture are exposed elements of the church. The arches and the fine line were utilized for the doorway and entrance. When looking at the bell appears that it is tilted as it is ringing letting the community know the time. “Traditional photography is very much about cameras, lenses, and shutter speed, all of which control what the photographer is likely to capture” (Martian & Jacobous, 2028). Mentioning all about this technique is what Adams utilized in order to capture this photograph.


My photograph named “The Soft Engagement” was take at Grings Mills a recreation center located near my house. When walking around I discovered this plant. I found it amazing the difference in every stem in this plant. The soft appearance in texture of the plant displayed gives it the perfect background for a simple picture as displayed below. “To select a subject for a photograph is an act of responsibility. (Bunnell, 1977)......... Continue


Instituition / Term
Term Uploaded 2023
Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Maureen

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