HIT 205 Module 7 Lecture Quiz

  • HIT 205 Module 7 Lecture Quiz
  • $20.00

Institution DeVry
Contributor Deanna Fussi
  1. Question: If a coder needed to know where a patient was when they were injured, they would reference ________________ in the external cause index.
  2. Question: An adolescent examination to determine development would be coded as
  3. Question: A __________ is defined by ICD-10-CM as any land transport vehicle operated solely by nonmotorized pedals.
  4. Question: A code from Chapter 21 can be listed as a principal or first-listed diagnosis
  5. Question: A code describing the activity when the injury occurred can be



Instituition / Term
Term Uploaded 2023
Institution DeVry
Contributor Deanna Fussi

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