HIT 205 Module 5 Guidelines Part 2

  • HIT 205 Module 5 Guidelines Part 2
  • $25.00

Institution DeVry
Contributor Deanna Fussi
  • A 23-year-old female was admitted at 27 weeks 4 days with spotting. An ultrasound performed was negative for placenta previa. Mild contractions were monitored. Patient was kept inpatient for monitoring and discharged at 28 weeks 2 days with a diagnosis of threatened premature labor. Which diagnostic information is captured to code?
  • Which term and subterms are referenced in the alphabetic index to code the principal diagnosis in this scenario?
  • Which guideline is referenced in this scenario to determine which trimester to assign in the diagnosis code?
  • A patient is seen by the OB at 24 weeks. She returns at 28 weeks. At 30 weeks, the patient returns again for a follow-up visit and will visit the OB weekly after 32 weeks. What first-listed diagnosis code category is assigned by the coder for each of these encounters per the coding guidelines?
  • What is the weeks gestation code assigned for a patient at 21 weeks?
  • A patient is seen by the OB for her first pregnancy. The provider noted in the medical record the patient smokes a pack of cigarettes a day for the past five years. Per the coding guidelines found in Chapter 15, what ICD-10-CM code would be assigned for this patient?
  • Our patient joyfully welcomed her twin babies at 40 weeks 2 days via natural delivery without complications. Is O80 the correct principal diagnosis to assign for this encounter?
  • A pregnant patient is admitted to have surgery performed on the fetus in utero. The fetus is suspected to require cardiac intervention. Reviewing the guidelines for Chapter 15, what prinicpal diagnosis code would be assigned for this scenario?
  • Would P03.810 also be assigned for the pregnant patient having in utero surgery for the fetus' suspected cardiac condition?



Instituition / Term
Term Uploaded 2023
Institution DeVry
Contributor Deanna Fussi

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