HIT 205 Module 5 Guidelines Lesson 3

  • HIT 205 Module 5 Guidelines Lesson 3
  • $20.00

Institution DeVry
Contributor Deanna Fussi
  1. Question: A newborn returns to the ED 3 days after discharge. He is diagnosed with congenital sepsis. Which diagnostic term is referenced in the alphabetic index for this encounter?
  2. Question: What sub-term is referenced with sepsis?
  3. Question: What diagnosis code in the tabular list is provided for this encounter?
  4. Question: What additional diagnosis(es) would be included if laboratory tests determined E.coli as the causal agent for the sepsis?
  5. Question: With the laboratory result indicating E. coli, what is the first-listed diagnosis with this new finding?
  6. Question: A newborn, born 10 weeks premature, has a documented weight 1365 grams. What additional diagnosis codes would be included after the principal diagnosis code Z38.00?



Instituition / Term
Term Uploaded 2023
Institution DeVry
Contributor Deanna Fussi

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