HIT 205 Module 5 Coding Lab Quiz

  • HIT 205 Module 5 Coding Lab Quiz
  • $20.00

Institution DeVry
Contributor Deanna Fussi
  1. Question: Mr. Brown presents to the hospital outpatient surgery department for debridement of the acromion, subacromial bursectomy to correct a recurring dislocation of the right shoulder. What ICD-10-CM code is reported?
  2. Question: A 40-year-old mother of four children presents for surgery to correct an anterior vaginal wall prolapse with an incomplete uterine prolapse. What ICD-10-CM code(s) is/are reported?
  3. Question: A 23-year-old patient presents with no menses and a positive home pregnancy test. An ultrasound finds no uterine contents. The embryo has implanted on her left ovary and the physician treats this with a laparoscopic oophorectomy. What ICD-10-CM code is reported for this procedure? (Make sure you are using a letter for the beginning of the code.)
  4. Question: A 4-day-old female infant developed obstructive sleep apnea. What ICD-10-CM code(s) is/are reported?
  5. Question: A baby boy is born by cesarean section in the hospital. A Coomb’s test confirmed ABO incompatibility; the newborn was treated. What ICD-10-CM code(s) is/are reported for the newborn’s record?



Instituition / Term
Term Uploaded 2023
Institution DeVry
Contributor Deanna Fussi

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