HIT 205 Module 4 Guideline Lesson 2

  • HIT 205 Module 4 Guideline Lesson 2
  • $20.00

Institution DeVry
Contributor Deanna Fussi
  • Question: The example presented in the lesson indicated the patient had COPD. Which is the main term to reference in the alphabetic index for COPD?
  • Question: Jane is seen by the family doctor. She had asthma as a child but it seemed to go away. She noticed recently she sometimes has difficulty breathing after exercising, but isn't experiencing any problems now. The family doctor indicated Jane has mild intermittent asthma. What ICD10CM diagnosis code would the coder assign for Jane?
  • Question: For Jane's diagnosis mild intermittent asthma, are there any directional notations the coder should reference for our encounter?
  • Question: If a patient is admitted into the hospital for pneumonia but three days later develops respiratory failure, which guideline would a coder reference to properly apply a code in this scenario?
  • Question: A patient is seen in the hospital with fever, hematuria, and pneumonia. The provider submits urine and sputum lab tests. What information would the coder capture keeping in mind signs/symptoms that are part of the disease process?
  • Question: The laboratory results return for the patient with fever, hematuria, and pneumonia. The pneumonia is due to COVID-19. The urine culture did not provide any additional information. Per coding guidelines from previous lessons and directional notations found with our diagnosis from Chapter 10, what is the first code to list for this encounter?
  • Question: What is the diagnosis code assigned for pneumonia due to COVID- 19?
  • Question: Correct What is the diagnosis code assigned for hematuria?



Instituition / Term
Term Uploaded 2023
Institution DeVry
Contributor Deanna Fussi

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