HIT 205 Module 3 Guidelines Part 2

  • HIT 205 Module 3 Guidelines Part 2
  • $20.00

Institution DeVry
Contributor Deanna Fussi
  1. Question: Maria Lopez is 67 years old. She has been diagnosed with Type I diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataracts. What is the term and sub term to reference in the ICD10CM alphabetic index?
  2. Question: What is the code provided by the ICD10CM alphabetic index for diabetes, type 1, with cataract?
  3. Question: Referencing the tabular list for the code obtained, would a coder need to use the shaded box for 7th character with the given diagnosis code?
  4. Question: Per the guidelines in Chapter 5 of the ICD10CM coding manual, a provider has noted in a medical record a patient's abuse of cannabis and use of cannabis. How does the coder use the diagnosis code for this encounter?
  5. Question: Based upon the answer for a patient's documented use and abuse of cannabis, what term is referenced in the ICD10CM alphabetic index to find the code for this encounter?
  6. Question: Per the alphabetic index information obtained for abuse, cannabis, what is the ICD10CM code provided?
  7. Question: Are there any directional notations to reference with this code category or code subcategory provided for abuse, cannabis?
  8. Question: Per coding guidelines in Chapter 5, which is FALSE medical conditions due to substance use, abuse, and dependence:
  9. Question: Guideline I.C.5.b.5 references information provided in a different guideline previously reviewed. Which guideline reviewed documentation of a code from category Y90?
  10. Question: Which ICD10CM code would the coder assign for a blood alcohol level of 85mg?



Instituition / Term
Term Uploaded 2023
Institution DeVry
Contributor Deanna Fussi

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