HIT 205 Module 3 Guidelines Part 1

  • HIT 205 Module 3 Guidelines Part 1
  • $20.00

Institution DeVry
Contributor Deanna Fussi
  1. Question: Michael Johnson was seen for follow up of his breast cancer. The patient continues to experience pain due to the cancer. The doctor has diagnosed the patient with adenocarcinoma of the right breast. What term would the coder reference in the alphabetic index to find this diagnosis?
  2. Question: What coding direction was provided in the alphabetic index when referencing this term?
  3. Question: Referencing this direction in the Neoplasm table, what code is provided to cross-reference in the tabular list?
  4. Question: What is the final code selection for Mr Johnson's right breast adenocarcinoma?
  5. Question: Mr Johnson returns the following week to his primary doctor. He has been lethargic lately. The provider indicates in the medical record the patient has anemia due to the right breast adenocarcinoma. The doctor provides the patient with IV treatment for the anemia. Per coding guidelines, what is the proper code selection for this scenario?
  6. Question: Two months later, Mr Johnson has a biopsy performed. The cancer has spread to his lung. Which column of the neoplasm table would a coder reference to find the lung cancer diagnosis?
  7. Question: Mr Johnson now has metastatic right middle lobe lung cancer and is receiving chemotherapy treatment today. What is the first-listed diagnosis for this encounter?
  8. Question: What is the second diagnosis to list for the encounter of chemotherapy for Mr Johnson's right middle lobe metastatic lung cancer?



Instituition / Term
Term Uploaded 2023
Institution DeVry
Contributor Deanna Fussi

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