HIST 405N Week 2 Discussion 1: The American Revolution - The Boston Massacre and The Coercive Acts

  • HIST 405N Week 2 Discussion 1: The American Revolution - The Boston Massacre and The Coercive Acts
  • $10.00

Institution HIST 504N United States History
Contributor Lisa Lane

For the initial post, pick two (2) of the leading causes of the American Revolution.

  • The Proclamation Act of 1763
  • The Navigation Acts
  • The Stamp Act
  • The Declaratory Act
  • The Townsend Act
  • The Boston Massacre
  • The Coercive Acts

Then, address the following for your selections:

  • Analyze the cause and effect of two acts passed by the British Parliament on British North America. Which of your two selections do you consider the most significant and why?
  • Examine and explain the significance of the Declaration of Independence to the development of the American Revolution.



Instituition / Term
Term Summer
Institution HIST 504N United States History
Contributor Lisa Lane

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