Epidemiological Applications

  • Epidemiological Applications
  • $20.00

Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Maylin

Presentation Preview


  1. In population health, epidemiology is very important.
  1. Epidemiology identifies the distribution of diseases.
  1. It identifies the factors underlying the source and cause of the diseases and it suggests the possible methods of controlling the diseases (Haupt-Jorgensen et al., 2018).

This presentation will investigate current population health and epidemiological data to learn about prevalent disease trends within your geographic region.

  1. It will discuss the prevalent infectious and chronic diseases in Miami, apply an epidemiological model and explain the levels of prevention.

Prevalent Infectious and Chronic Diseases

  1. In Illinois, chronic and infectious diseases are a major cause of death.
  1. In Illinois, the cost of addressing chronic and infectious diseases is high.
  1. The state government use more than $43.6 billion to only address these diseases (IDPH, 2020).
  1. Illinois spends more than $12.5 billion every year in the treatment of chronic diseases alone……….. Continue



Instituition / Term
Term Uploaded 2023
Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Maylin

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