CHEM 120 Week 8 Final Exam Review (Fall Session)

  • CHEM 120 Week 8 Final Exam Review (Fall Session)
  • $29.00

Institution CHEM 120 Introduction to General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry with Lab
Contributor Lisa
  1. Question: Know what is the atomic number, atomic mass, protons, neutrons and electrons
  2. Question:Describe the shapes of molecules H2S, CBr4, and PCl3
  3. Question:Calculating types of bonding (ionic, covalent, nonpolar covalent)
  4. Question:Non – polar covalent bonds and polar covalent bonds and electron sharing
  5. Question:Know the structure and makeup of DNA and RNA, know what DNA replication, transcription and translation are and ribosomes role in protein synthesis.
  6. Question:Know what a protein is, its makeup and what is primary, tertiary (globular), and quaternary structure. Also the types of bonds that holds the structure together.
  7. Question:Understand enzymes structure and understand function
  8. Question:Know anabolism and catabolism
  9. Question:Know natural polymers such as cellulose, starch and glycogen, proteins, DNA, ect.
  10. Question:Know examples of monosaccharides and disaccharides and polysaccharides
  11. Question:What are polysaccharides and examples such as cellulose, starch and glycogen
  12. Question:Understand lipids and fats
  13. Question:Carbon containing molecules and their naming including all functional groups, identify, naming and condensed structural formulas, IUPAC naming. Also know what a carbonyl group is.
  14. Question:Radioactivity and its effect on atomic structure, calculating atomic changes in alpha, beta, positron emission, electron capture and gamma radiation.
  15. Question:Know how to convert degrees C to degrees K and always use that in gas laws. Also degree F to degree C.
  16. Question:Memorize Boyle’s Law, Charles Law and the ideal gas law. Remember the constant R in the ideal gas law.
  17. Question:Molar volume of a gas at STP and how to use that information
  18. Question:Be able to determine products of neutralization reactions for example HCl + NaOH > ? (NaCl +H2O)
  19. Question:Memorize metric measurements ( for example there is 100cm in 1 meter, there is 100g in a kg)
  20. Question:Given a molecular formula be able to identify cations, anions, their charges, molecule names
  21. Question:Memorize the range of EN for nonpolar covalent bonds, polar covalent and ionic bonds
  22. Question:Essintial and non essential amino acids.
  23. Question:Biological condensation reactions


Instituition / Term
Term Spring 2021
Institution CHEM 120 Introduction to General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry with Lab
Contributor Lisa

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