CHEM 120 Week 7 Assignment (15 Points)

  • CHEM 120 Week 7 Assignment (15 Points)
  • $20.00

Institution CHEM 120 Introduction to General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry with Lab
Contributor Amanda

MC/Select all that apply: 1 point each)


  1. Which of the following are examples of proteins? Select all that apply.
  1. Antibodies
  2. DNA
  3. Enzymes
  4. RNA
  5. Hemoglobin


  1. You find a mRNA fragment reads in part as AAU-UUA-GAU-UAA. The template strand of the DNA that coded for this fragment would read:


  1. Choose the carbohydrates that are classified as a polysaccharides. More than one answer may be correct.
  1. Glucose
  2. Galactose
  3. Starch
  4. Sucrose
  5. Amylose


  1. Which bio-molecules below is easily broken down by our bodies to form glucose? More than one answer may be correct.
  1. Cellulose
  2. Protein
  3. Starch
  4. Lipids
  5. Sucrose


  1. Your body breaks down glucose molecules to form ATP to power a wide variety of chemical reactions. This process is classified as what?
  1. Catabolism
  2. Anabolism
  3. Addisim
  4. Translation
  5. Gene Expression
  1. Which are ways to deactivate an enzyme? Select all that apply.
  1. Blocking of the active site
  2. Changing the shape of the active site
  3. Increasing the substrate concentration
  4. Removal of a cofactor




  1. Which of the following is not a part gene expression?
  1. Translation
  2. Transcription
  3. DNA Self Replication
  4. Fatty acid synthesis


  1. Which of the following base pairs is not possible?
    1. A-U
    2. G-C
    3. C-T
    4. T-A
  2. Which of the following molecules participate in the formation of a fatty ester? More than one answer may be correct.
  1. Fatty Acids
  2. Sucrose
  3. Amino Acids
  4. Glycerol


  1. Suddenly, all of the DNA in your body disappears. Which process/systems would be the first to be effected?
  1. Immune system
  2. Protein synthesis
  3. Nervous system
  4. Fat synthesis


  1. Select all biomolecules that are part of the transcription process: (more than one answer may be correct)
  1. DNA
  2. mRNA
  3. tRNA
  4. Glucose


  1. A fragment of the coding strand of DNA reads in part as TAC-CGA-GAC-TAG. The complimentary code on the template strand of the DNA formed during DNA replication would read:


Short answer. Point values as marked.

  1. Complete the table below. (1 point for each row, 2 points total)
  2. Given the template strand of DNA: ATG AAT ATG CCT GAG TTA ( 0.5 points each, 1 point total)
  1. Give the code of the mRNA coded from this sequence
  2. Give the polypeptide sequence using the table in your slides.



Instituition / Term
Term Year 2022
Institution CHEM 120 Introduction to General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry with Lab
Contributor Amanda

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