CHEM 120 Week 4 Discussion; Chemistry in the World Around Us

  • CHEM 120 Week 4 Discussion; Chemistry in the World Around Us
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Institution CHEM 120 Introduction to General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry with Lab
Contributor Greenlee

Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Textbook: Chapter 9, 10, 13


Initial Post Instructions

While we often do not realize it, acidic and basic solutions are a part of our daily lives.Pick a solution in your home, work, or even outside (be sure to check the label to makesure that whatever you are measuring is nonhazardous and water based). Somepossible solutions are shampoos, beverages, still water in your backyard, contactsolution, etc. Research a compound or compounds found in your chosen solution, citing your sources in APA format and predict if the solution would be acidic or basic.

Follow-Up Post Instructions

Respond to at least two peers or one peer and the instructor. Further the dialogue byproviding more information and clarification. Possible follow-up topics:

1. I have provided each of you with a strip of pH paper, perform your experiment byusing your pH paper to measure the pH of your solution. After you have performed yourexperiment, report your findings back to the group and be sure to classify yourexample as an acidic or basic solution as well as what compound or compounds inyour solution you believe cause the solution to be basic or acidic and why.

2. Comment on a peers findings with additional information.

3. This week, we are studying the ideal gas law. In this discussion, you will be trying your hand at applying one of the ideal gas laws to a real world situation. Consider asituation that involves an ideal gas law and discuss how you would apply your chosen ideal gas law to the situation. Generate an ideal gas law question based on this situation.


Instituition / Term
Term Fall
Institution CHEM 120 Introduction to General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry with Lab
Contributor Greenlee

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