Chapter 63 Musculoskeletal Problems: 10 Edition

  • Chapter 63 Musculoskeletal Problems: 10 Edition
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Term 10 Edition
Institution Exam Practice
Contributor Test Bank

Chapter 63: Musculoskeletal Problems


      1. Question: A patient with acute osteomyelitis of the left femur is hospitalized for regional antibiotic irrigation. Which intervention will be included in the initial plan of care?
      2. Question: A 50-year-old patient is being discharged after a week of IV antibiotic therapy for acute osteomyelitis in the right leg. Which information will be included in the discharge teaching?
      3. Question: A 67-year-old patient is receiving IV antibiotics at home to treat chronic osteomyelitis of the left femur. The nurse chooses a nursing diagnosis of ineffective health maintenance when the nurse finds that the patient
      4. Question: The nurse instructs a patient who has osteosarcoma of the tibia about a scheduled above-the-knee amputation. Which statement by a patient indicates that additional patient teaching is needed?
      5. Question: A 23-year-old patient with a history of muscular dystrophy is hospitalized with pneumonia. Which nursing action will be included in the plan of care?
      6. Question: An appropriate nursing intervention for a patient who has acute low back pain and muscle spasms is to teach the patient to
      7. Question: A 39-year-old patient whose work involves frequent lifting has a history of chronic back pain. After the nurse has taught the patient about correct body mechanics, which patient statement indicates that the teaching has been effective?
      8. Question: The nurse should reposition the patient who has just had a laminectomy and diskectomy by
      9. Question: The nurse will determine that more teaching is needed if a patient with discomfort from a bunion says, I will
      10. Question: An assessment finding for a 55-year-old patient that alerts the nurse to the presence of osteoporosis is
      11. Question: A 54-year-old woman who recently reached menopause and has a family history of osteoporosis is diagnosed with osteopenia following densitometry testing. In teaching the woman about her osteoporosis, the nurse explains that
      12. Question: Which menu choice by a patient with osteoporosis indicates that the nurses teaching about appropriate diet has been effective?
      13. Question: The nurse evaluating effectiveness of prescribed calcitonin (Cibacalcin) and ibandronate (Boniva) for a patient with Pagets disease will consider the patients
      14. Question: Which action should the nurse take before administering gentamicin (Garamycin) to a patient who has acute osteomyelitis?
      15. Question: Which assessment finding for a patient who has had a surgical reduction of an open fracture of the right radius is most important to report to the health care provider?
      16. Question: Following laminectomy with a spinal fusion to treat a herniated disc, a patient reports numbness and tingling of the right lower leg. The first action that the nurse should take is to
      17. Question: When administering alendronate (Fosamax) to a patient with osteoporosis, the nurse will
      18. Question: Which nursing action included in the care of a patient after laminectomy can the nurse delegate to experienced unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP)?
      19. Question: Which action will the nurse take when caring for a patient with osteomalacia?
      20. Question: Which action will the nurse take first when a patient is seen in the outpatient clinic with neck pain?
      21. Question: A nurse who works on the orthopedic unit has just received the change-of-shift report. Which patient should the nurse assess first?



Instituition / Term
Term 10 Edition
Institution Exam Practice
Contributor Test Bank

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