Chapter 50 Assessment of Reproductive System: 10 Edition

  • Chapter 50 Assessment of Reproductive System: 10 Edition
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Term 10 Edition
Institution Exam Practice
Contributor Test Bank

Chapter 50: Assessment of Reproductive System


  1. Question: Which question should the nurse ask when assessing a 60-year-old patient who has a history of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)?
  2. Question: After a 26-year-old patient has been treated for pelvic inflammatory disease, the nurse will plan to teach about
  3. Question: A 68-year-old male patient tells the nurse that he is worried because he does not respond to sexual stimulation the same way he did when he was younger. The nurses best response to the patients concern is which of the following?
  4. Question: The nurse is providing teaching by telephone to a patient who is scheduled for a pelvic examination and Pap test next week. The nurse instructs the patient that she should
  5. Question: A 22-year-old patient reports her concern about not having a menstrual period for the past 7 months. Which statement by the patient indicates a possible related factor to the amenorrhea?
  6. Question: The nurse is assessing the sexual-reproductive functional health pattern of a 32-year-old woman. Which question is most useful in determining the patients sexual orientation and risk factors?
  7. Question: The nurse explains to a 37-year-old patient being prepared for colposcopy with a cervical biopsy that the procedure
  8. Question: A couple is scheduled to have a Huhner test for infertility. In preparation for the test, the nurse will instruct the couple about
  9. Question: A 44-year-old patient in the sexually transmitted infection clinic has a positive Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) test, but no chancre is visible on assessment. The nurse will plan to send specimens for
  10. Question: A 24-year-old female says she wants to begin using oral contraceptives. Which information from the nursing assessment is most important to report to the health care provider?
  11. Question: A 49-year-old man who has type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, and gastroesophageal reflux tells the nurse that he has had recent difficulty in achieving an erection. Which of the following drugs from his current medications list may cause erectile dysfunction (ED)?
  12. Question: A 19-year-old patient calls the school clinic and tells the nurse, My menstrual period is very heavy this time. I have to change my tampon every 4 hours. Which action should the nurse take next?
  13. Question: After scheduling a patient with a possible ovarian cyst for ultrasound, the nurse will teach the patient that she should
  14. Question: The nurse will plan to teach a 51-year-old man who is scheduled for an annual physical exam about a(n)
  15. Question: An 18-year-old female patient who has been admitted to the emergency department after a motor vehicle crash is scheduled for chest and abdominal x-rays. Which information is most important to report to the health care provider before the x-rays are obtained?
  16. Question: The following patients call the outpatient clinic. Which phone call should the nurse return first?
  17. Question: A woman calls the clinic because she is having an unusually heavy menstrual flow. She tells the nurse that she has saturated three tampons in the past 2 hours. The nurse estimates that the amount of blood loss over the past 2 hours is mL.
  18. Question: Which finding from the nurses physical assessment of a 42-year-old male patient should be reported to the health care provider?
  19. Question: Which information shown in the accompanying figure and obtained by the nurse about a 72-year-old man who is complaining of erectile dysfunction is most important to communicate to the health care provider?



Instituition / Term
Term 10 Edition
Institution Exam Practice
Contributor Test Bank

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