Chapter 20 Assessment of Visual and Auditory Systems: 10 Edition

  • Chapter 20 Assessment of Visual and Auditory Systems: 10 Edition
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Term 10 Edition
Institution Exam Practice
Contributor Test Bank

Chapter 20: Assessment of Visual and Auditory Systems


  1. Question: The nurse is providing health promotion teaching to a group of older adults. Which information will the nurse include when teaching about routine glaucoma testing?
  2. Question: The nurse is performing an eye examination on a 76-year-old patient. The nurse should refer the patient for a more extensive assessment based on which finding?
  3. Question: The nurse performing an eye examination will document normal findings for accommodation when
  4. Question: Which assessment finding alerts the nurse to provide patient teaching about cataract development?
  5. Question: Assessment of a patients visual acuity reveals that the left eye can see at 20 feet what a person with normal vision can see at 50 feet and the right eye can see at 20 feet what a person with normal vision can see at 40 feet. The nurse records which finding?
  6. Question: When assessing a patients consensual pupil response, the nurse should
  7. Question: The nurse is observing a student who is preparing to perform an ear examination for a 30-year-old patient.
  8. Question: The nurse will need to intervene if the student
  9. Question: When obtaining a health history from a 49-year-old patient, which patient statement is most important to communicate to the primary health care provider?
  10. Question: A 65-year-old patient is being evaluated for glaucoma. Which information given by the patient has implications for the patients treatment?
  11. Question: The nurse is testing the visual acuity of a patient in the outpatient clinic. The nurses instructions for this tes include asking the patient to
  12. Question: A patient who underwent eye surgery is required to wear an eye patch until the scheduled postoperative clinic visit. Which nursing diagnosis will the nurse include in the plan of care?
  13. Question: Which information will the nurse provide to the patient scheduled for refractometry?
  14. Question: The nurse is assessing a 65-year-old patient for presbyopia. Which instruction will the nurse give the patient before the test?
  15. Question: A patient arrives in the emergency department complaining of eye itching and pain after sleeping with contact lenses in place. To facilitate further examination of the eye, fluorescein angiography is ordered. The nurse will teach the patient to
  16. Question: A patient complains of dizziness when bending over and of nausea and dizziness associated with physical activities. The nurse will plan to teach the patient about
  17. Question: When the nurse is taking a health history of a new patient at the ear clinic, the patient states, I have to sleep with the television on. Which follow-up question is most appropriate to obtain more information about possible hearing problems?
  18. Question: When the patient turns his head quickly during the admission assessment, the nurse observes nystagmus. What is the indicated nursing action?
  19. Question: The nurse recording health histories in the outpatient clinic would plan a focused hearing assessment for adult patients taking which medication?
  20. Question: The charge nurse must intervene immediately if observing a nurse who is caring for a patient with vestibular disease
  21. Question: The nurse in the eye clinic is examining a 67-year-old patient who says I see small spots that move around in front of my eyes. Which action will the nurse take first?
  22. Question: The nurse should report which assessment finding immediately to the health care provider?
  23. Question: Which equipment will the nurse obtain to perform a Rinne test?
  24. Question: Which action should the nurse take when providing patient teaching to a 76-year-old with mild presbycusis?
  25. Question: Which action can the nurse working in the emergency department delegate to experienced unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP)?
  26. Question: The nurse working in the vision and hearing clinic receives telephone calls from several patients who want appointments in the clinic as soon as possible. Which patient should be seen first?



Instituition / Term
Term 10 Edition
Institution Exam Practice
Contributor Test Bank

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