Chapter 17 Preoperative Care: 10 Edition

  • Chapter 17 Preoperative Care: 10 Edition
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Term 10 Edition
Institution Exam Practice
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Chapter 17: Preoperative Care




  1. Question: A patient scheduled for an elective hysterectomy tells the nurse, I am afraid that I will die in surgery like my mother did! Which response by the nurse is most appropriate?
  2. Question: A patient arrives at the ambulatory surgery center for a scheduled laparoscopy procedure in outpatient surgery. Which information is of most concern to the nurse?
  3. Question: A 38-year-old female is admitted for an elective surgical procedure. Which information obtained by the nurse during the preoperative assessment is most important to report to the anesthesiologist before surgery?
  4. Question: A patient who has never had any prior surgeries tells the nurse doing the preoperative assessment about an allergy to bananas and avocados. Which action is most important for the nurse to take?
  5. Question: A patient who is scheduled for a therapeutic abortion tells the nurse, Having an abortion is not right. Which functional health pattern should the nurse further assess?
  6. Question: A patient undergoing an emergency appendectomy has been using St. Johns wort to prevent depression. Which complication would the nurse expect in the postanesthesia care unit?
  7. Question: The surgical unit nurse has just received a patient with a history of smoking from the postanesthesia care unit. Which action is most important at this time?
  8. Question: The nurse obtains a health history from a patient who is scheduled for elective hip surgery in 1 week. The patient reports use of garlic and ginkgo biloba. Which action by the nurse is most appropriate?
  9. Question: The nurse is preparing to witness the patient signing the operative consent form when the patient says, I do not really understand what the doctor said. Which action is best for the nurse to take?
  10. Question: Which topic is most important for the nurse to discuss preoperatively with a patient who is scheduled for abdominal surgery for an open cholecystectomy?
  11. Question: Five minutes after receiving the ordered preoperative midazolam (Versed) by IV injection, the patient asks to get up to go to the bathroom to urinate. Which action by the nurse is most appropriate?
  12. Question: The nurse plans to provide preoperative teaching to an alert older man who has hearing and vision deficits. His wife usually answers most questions that are directed to the patient. Which action should the nurse take when doing the teaching?
  13. Question: A patient who has diabetes and uses insulin to control blood glucose has been NPO since midnight before having a knee replacement surgery. Which action should the nurse take?
  14. Question: The outpatient surgery nurse reviews the complete blood cell (CBC) count results for a patient who is scheduled for surgery in a few days. The results are white blood cell (WBC) count 10.2 103/L; hemoglobin 15 g/dL; hematocrit 45%; platelets 150 103/L. Which action should the nurse take?
  15. Question: As the nurse prepares a patient the morning of surgery, the patient refuses to remove a wedding ring, saying, I have never taken it off since the day I was married. Which response by the nurse is best?
  16. Question: A patient has received atropine before surgery and complains of dry mouth. Which action by the nurse is best?
  17. Question: Which statement by a patient scheduled for surgery is most important to report to the health care provider?
  18. Question: The nurse interviews a patient scheduled to undergo general anesthesia for a hernia repair. Which information is most important to communicate to the surgeon and anesthesiologist before surgery?
  19. Question: Which information in the preoperative patients medication history is most important to communicate to the health care provider?
  20. Question: A patient who takes a diuretic and a b-blocker to control blood pressure is scheduled for breast reconstruction surgery. Which patient information is most important to communicate to the health care provider before surgery?



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Term 10 Edition
Institution Exam Practice
Contributor Test Bank

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