Chapter 05 Chronic Illness and Older Adults: 10 Edition

  • Chapter 05 Chronic Illness and Older Adults: 10 Edition
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Term 10 Edition
Institution Tes-Bank
Contributor Exam Practice

Chapter 05: Chronic Illness and Older Adults


  1. Question: The nurse plans to complete a thorough assessment of an older patient. Which method should the nurse use to gather the most complete information?
  2. Question: An older patient who takes multiple medications for chronic cardiac and pulmonary diseases is alert and lives with a daughter who works during the day. During a clinic visit, the patient verbalizes to the nurse that she has a strained relationship with her daughter and does not enjoy being alone all day. Which nursing diagnosis should the nurse assign as the priority for this patient?
  3. Question: The nurse performs a comprehensive geriatric assessment of a patient who is being assessed for admission to an assisted living facility. Which question is the most important for the nurse to ask?
  4. Question: When caring for an older patient with hypertension who has been hospitalized after a transient ischemic (TIA), which topic is the most important for the nurse to include in the discharge teaching?
  5. Question: An older patient is hospitalized with pneumonia. Which intervention should the nurse implement to provide optimal care for this patient?
  6. Question: The nurse cares for an older adult patient who lives in a rural area. Which intervention should the nurse plan to implement to best meet this patients needs?
  7. Question: Which nursing action will be most helpful in decreasing the risk for drug-drug interactions in an older adult?
  8. Question: A patient who has just moved to a long-term care facility has a nursing diagnosis of relocation stress syndrome. Which action should the nurse include in the plan of care?
  9. Question: An older patient complains of having no energy and feeling increasingly weak. The patient has had a 12- pound weight loss over the last year. Which action should the nurse take initially?
  10. Question: The nurse admits an acutely ill, older patient to the hospital. Which action should the nurse take first?
  11. Question: The nurse cares for an alert, homeless older adult patient who was admitted to the hospital with a chronic foot infection. Which intervention is the most appropriate for the nurse to include in the discharge plan for this patient?
  12. Question: The home health nurse cares for an older adult patient who lives alone and takes several different prescribed medications for chronic health problems. Which intervention, if implemented by the nurse, would best encourage medication compliance?
  13. Question: The home health nurse visits an older patient with mild forgetfulness. The nurse is most concerned if which information is obtained?
  14. Question: Which statement, if made by an older adult patient, would be of most concern to the nurse?
  15. Question: The nurse assesses an older patient who takes diuretics and has a possible urinary tract infection (UTI). Which action should the nurse take first?
  16. Question: Which patient is most likely to need long-term nursing care management?
  17. Question: When completing an admission assessment on an older adult, the nurse gives the patient a high fall risk score An older adult patient presents with a broken arm and visible scattered bruises healing at different stages. Which action should the nurse take first?
  18. Question: Which action should the nurse take first?
  19. Question: The family of an older patient with chronic health problems and increasing weakness is considering placement in a long-term care (LTC) facility. Which action by the nurse will be most helpful in assisting the patient to make this transition?
  20. Question: The nurse manages the care of older adults in an adult health day care center. Which action can the nurse delegate to unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP)?




  1. Question: Which nursing actions will the nurse take to assess for possible malnutrition in an older adult patient (select all that apply)?



Instituition / Term
Term 10 Edition
Institution Tes-Bank
Contributor Exam Practice

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