BIOS 242 Week 4 Midterm Exam

  • BIOS 242 Week 4 Midterm Exam
  • $45.00

Institution BIOS 242 Fundamentals of Microbiology with Lab
Contributor elizabeth Oslen
  1. Question: (CO1) Organisms called parasites are .
  2. Question: (CO1) In the experiments constructed by Pasteur to disprove spontaneous generation, swan-necked flasks were used. Why was this shape of flask used in this experiment?
  3. Question: (CO1) Koch's postulates would not be explain disease process of
  4. Question: (CO 1) Viruses can be classified as infectious agents.
  5. Question: (CO2) The lipid group that is the major component of cell membranes is the .
  6. Question: (CO 3) A bacterial genus that has waxy mycolic acid in the cell walls is .
  7. Question: CO3) LPS (lipopolysaccharides) are found in the outer membrane of
  8. Question: (CO2) Which molecule is translated into an amino acid sequence?
  9. Question: (CO2) A frameshift is caused by mutations.
  10. Question: (CO2) An infant has been diagnosed with severe combined immunodeficiency disease (SCID). The doctor suggests which treatment as a possible cure for the disease?
  11. Question: (CO1) A microbiologist inoculates a mixed culture containing both Gram positive and negative bacteria. Following incubation, only the Gram negative bacteria grows in the culture. What is the most likely explanation?
  12. Question: (CO1)The term that refers to the purposeful addition of microorganisms into a laboratory nutrient medium is .
  13. Question: (CO1)Which type of medium distinguishes different types of microorganisms based on an observable change in the colonies or in the medium?
  14. Question: (CO1) Which type of microscope achieves the greatest resolution and highest magnification?
  15. Question: (CO 5) This microbe is photosynthetic. Its carbon source is an organic compound. The appropriate classification for this organism would be .
  16. Question: (CO 5) An organism with a temperature growth range of 65°C to 80°C would be called a(n) ______.
  17. Question: (CO 5) The time interval from parent cell to two new daughter cells is called .
  18. Question: (CO 5) The phase of the bacterial growth curve in which newly inoculated cells are adjusting to their new environment, metabolizing but not growing at an exponential rate, is the ______.
  19. Question: (CO6) Enzymes that function inside a cell are .
  20. Question: (CO 6) In which cyclic pathway is the most FADH, NADH generated?
  21. Question: (CO 6) Which pathway produces least number of ATP?
  22. Question: (CO6) Electron transport chain in prokaryotes takes place in
  23. Question: (CO3) Which of the following is a type of reproduction shown only by protozoa?
  24. Question: (CO3) Which cellular process is mismatched with its step in mitosis?
  25. Question: (CO3) In humans, helminths generally infect the .
  26. Question: (CO3) Which of the following can undergo both sexual and asexual reproduction
  27. Question: (CO4) A/an is the protein shell around the nucleic acid core of a virus.
  28. Question: (CO4)What type of virus enters an inactive provirus stage?
  29. Question: (CO4) Infectious protein particles are called .
  30. Question: (CO4) Viriods cause infection in?
  31. Question: (CO 7) The process that destroys or removes all microorganisms and microbial forms, including bacterial endospores, on inanimate objects is .
  32. Question: (CO 7) What instrument is most effective for pressure-temperature sterilization?
  33. Question: (CO 7) Which drug is used to destroy cell wall of bacteria that have mycolic acid and cause tuberculosis?
  34. Question: (CO 7) There are fewer antifungal, antiprotozoan, and antihelminthic drugs compared to antibacterial drugs because fungi, protozoa, and helminths
  35. Question: (CO 7) Infections caused by gram-negative bacilli are often treated with .
  36. Question: (CO 8) Which of the following is/are the ways by which newborns acquire
  37. Question: (CO 8) The greatest number of pathogens enter the body through the .
  38. Question: (CO 8) Lipopolysaccharide of the outer membrane of gram-negative cell walls is called ______.
  39. Question: (CO 8) An inanimate object that harbors and transmits a pathogen is a .
  40. Question: (CO 8) A disease that exhibits new cases at irregular intervals in unpredictable geographic locales. .
  41. Question: (CO 2) Match the cellular structures and type of microorganisms
  42. Question: (CO 9) Match the patterns of infection.
  43. Question: (CO3) Select all that apply - Which of the following are the types of eukaryotic reproduction
  44. Question: (CO8) Select all that apply - What are the different ways by which microorganisms acquire antibiotic resistance?
  45. Question: (CO1) What were the contributions of Robert Koch, Semmelwies and Loius Pasteur in the field of Microbiology. Or (CO6) Compare and contrast the comepetitive and non competitive inhibition of enzymes
  46. Question: (CO4) Why do we need new flu shots every season? And why we cannot use a vaccine available for flu to treat viral infections like COVID? OR (CO5) You found a novel microorganism which uses the energy from light and organic carbon as food source. It grows at the bottom of thioglycolate medium, in salty marshlands, at a temperature of 370C. Describe the terms that describe the nutritional, physical and Chemical requirements of this microorganism. Do you think this microorganism can cause disease in humans?



Instituition / Term
Term Summer
Institution BIOS 242 Fundamentals of Microbiology with Lab
Contributor elizabeth Oslen

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