BIOS 256 Week 6 Quiz (Version 2)

  • BIOS 256 Week 6 Quiz (Version 2)
  • $15.00

Institution BIOS 256 Anatomy And Pysiology IV With Lab
Contributor Kimberlee

1.Question: Which of the following is the site where spermatogenesis begins?

2.Question: Which of the following reproductive hormones are involved in BOTH the male and female reproductive systems (note more than one answer may be correct)

3.Question: The process of female meiosis is not complete until after fertilization of the ovum by a sperm

4.Question: Match the following male and female homologous structures (from the same origin)

5.Question: Which hormone "triggers" ovulation

6.Question: What happens when the cremaster muscle contracts?

7.Question: Which of the following ligaments helps maintain the position of the uterus and/or ovaries? (more than one answer may be correct)

8.Question: Which of the following layers of the uterus will become ischemic and slough off during menstruation?

9.Question: How many chromosomes does a mature sperm or ovum contain?

10.Question: What happens when the Corpus luteum atrophies and levels of Estrogen/Progesterone fall dramatically




Instituition / Term
Term Year 2022
Institution BIOS 256 Anatomy And Pysiology IV With Lab
Contributor Kimberlee

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