BIOS 256 Lab Assignments Week 1 - 7

  • BIOS 256 Lab Assignments Week 1 - 7
  • $60.00

Institution BIOS 256 Anatomy And Pysiology IV With Lab
Contributor Kimberlee
BIOS256 Week 1 OL Lab 1: Carbohydrates The sugars that feed us

BIOS256 Week 2 OL Lab 2: Intestinal Glucose Transport: Study a mouse intestine model to diagnose an infant

BIOS256 Week 3 OL Lab 3: Cellular Respiration: Measuring energy consumption during exercise

BIOS256 Week 4 OL Lab 4: Renal Physiology: Find the mode of action of a diuretic drug

BIOS256 Week 5 OL Lab 5: Fluid balance, acid base balance and water balance

BIOS256 Week 6 OL Lab 6: Male and female reproductive system

BIOS256 Week 7 OL Lab 7: Mendelian Inheritance from genes to traits


Instituition / Term
Term Year 2022
Institution BIOS 256 Anatomy And Pysiology IV With Lab
Contributor Kimberlee

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