BIOS 255 Week 8 Comprehensive Exam Study Guide with Q&A

  • BIOS 255 Week 8 Comprehensive Exam Study Guide with Q&A
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Institution BIOS 255 Anatomy & Physiology III with Lab
Contributor Lilian Owens
  1. Question: General functions of the nervous system:
  2. Question: Positive feedback:
  3. Question: Negative feedback:
  4. Question: Negative feedback tries to reversal of stimulus & excalation from homeostasis, Positive feedback to push body to keep it off balance (Answer question 4)
  5. Question: Protein fibers in connective tissue
  6. Question: Chondroitin sulfate is abundant in the matrix of cartilage
  7. Question: The sacrum articulates with  
  8. Question: Protein that strengthens the stratum corneum and smart in reducing water loss on the surface of the skin
  9. Question: 2 bones that form hard palate in the mouth
  10. Question: The shaft of the long bone
  11. Question: Function of Osteoclasts
  12. Question: Stages of endochondral ossification
  13. Question: Smallest functional repeating unit of a skeletal muscle fiber
  14. Question: Triggering of the muscle action potential occurs after
  15. Question: Assisting muscles:
  16. Question: 3 muscles that makeup the hamstring
  17. Question: Nerve that arises in a surgical region and interface the diaphragm
  18. Question: Cerebral spinal fluid (CSF)
  19. Question: Antidiuretic
  20. Question: Sympathetic vs. Parasympathetic
  21. Question: Calculating MAP (Mean Arterial Pressure)
  22. Question: Vascular resistance depended upon
  23. Question: Valves responsible for preventing backflow from deoxygenated blood from the pulmonary trunk
  24. Question: QRS Complex on EKG means
  25. Question: Stroke Volume Formula
  26. Question: Why is adaptive immunity important?
  27. Question: Role of CD4 T-helper cells
  28. Question: Type of immunity gained with receiving the vaccine
  29. Question: Region of brain responsible for forced inhalation
  30. Question: Gland near hair follicles, gland all over body, gland only in certain areas  
  31. Question: Stages of light entering the eye
  32. Question: Tunica media tissue in the blood vessel
  33. Question: Cranial nerve that “wanders”
  34. Question: IC = VC – ERV
  35. Question: Exchange of gas between the alveoli and capillary tissue
  36. Question: Primary motor cortex located
  37. Question: Question about twitching muscle
  38. Question: Does more blood enter the ventricle during atrial diastole or atrial systole?
  39. Question: What is the function of blood colloid osmotic pressure in net reabsorption pressure?
  40. Question: How do changes in pH and body temperature affect the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen?
  41. Question: Muscle contraction



Instituition / Term
Term Summer
Institution BIOS 255 Anatomy & Physiology III with Lab
Contributor Lilian Owens

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