BIOS 255 Week 8 Comprehensive Exam

  • BIOS 255 Week 8 Comprehensive Exam
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Institution BIOS 255 Anatomy & Physiology III with Lab
Contributor Lilian Owens
  1. Question: In general, the nervous system does what?
  2. Question: What is the main diff between positive and neg feedback?
  3. Question: The ankle joint(tib+fib+talus) is an
  4. Question: The characteristics of epithelia include what?
  5. Question: What is NOT a property of synovial joints?
  6. Question: The 3 types of protein fibers in Connective tissue
  7. Question: Chondroitin sulfate is abundant in the matrix of what?
  8. Question: The sacrum articulates w/ what?
  9. Question: The protein that strengthens the stratum corneum and reduces water loss at the skin surface is?
  10. Question: Different categories of sweat glands? What is dominant in most body surface and another that is only found in certain areas?
  11. Question: Hard palate of the roof of the
  12. Question: The shaft of the long
  13. Question: The smooth rounded articulate process of a bone is
  14. Question: Action of osteoclasts
  15. Question: Endochondral ossification -> put the steps in an order
  16. Question: The smallest fxnal repeating unit of the skeletal muscle fiber is what?
  17. Question: Correct sequence of the events for skeletal muscle contraction -> when does the Ca2+ bind? When does myosin head bind
  18. Question: When is muscle action potential triggered? When threshold is reached
  19. Question: What is it called when a muscle is stimulated repeatedly at a high rate so that the amount of tension gradually reaches the max?
  20. Question: A muscle that assists another muscle in an action is called what?
  21. Question: The 3 muscles that make up the hamstrings
  22. Question: Na+/K+ pump (ligand gated IN MUSCLE; voltage gated IN NERVES; Na+ in (increase+++) and K+ out!!!
  23. Question: Graded potentials
  24. Question: The name of the nerve that innervates the diaphragm (Phrenic nerve)
  25. Question: Fxn of cerebrospinal fluid and what is NOT a fxn of it
  26. Question: Where is the Primary motor cortex of the brain?
  27. Question: Purpose/fxn of antidiuretic hormone? (Antidiuresis might be related)
  28. Question: Wandering nerve (Vagus)
  29. Question: Sympathetic activation
  30. Question: Ray of light entering eye encounters these structures In which order?
  31. Question: Vague Q about Endocrine cells?
  32. Question: Which of the scenarios increases pt’s hematocrit?
  33. Question: Which Blood type transfused to B neg pt safely?
  34. Question: Tunica media layer of blood vessels is what kind of a tissue?
  35. Question: Which pressure pulls interstitial fluid from the capillaries?
  36. Question: What is MAP of pt w/
  37. Question: Vascular resistance depends on what?
  38. Question: Which heart valve prevents backflow of deox blood from pulmonary trunk?
  39. Question: QRS complex on ECG represents what? Depol?
  40. Question: Which of the following ions is required for sustained contraction of ventricular tissue?
  41. Question: Given numbers on a pt and determine the stroke volume. Know the formula 140/11, HR= 80,
  42. Question: Cardiac cycle
  43. Question: Adaptive VS innate immune system
  44. Question: Primary role of CD4 T-helper cells
  45. Question: Different types of immunity -> e.g. vaccine what type of immunity? Active VS passive? Natural vs
  46. Question: Inspiratory capacity formula
  47. Question: Which region of the brain is responsible for forceful inhalation?
  48. Question: Exchange of gas between alveoli and capillaries is what?
  49. Question: What leads to increase in Hemoglobin binding affinity for oxygen?
  50. Question: What is the fxn of type II alveolar cells?


Instituition / Term
Term Summer
Institution BIOS 255 Anatomy & Physiology III with Lab
Contributor Lilian Owens

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