BIOS 255 Week 6 Concepts; The Respiratory System - Anatomy (Edapt Quiz)

  • BIOS 255 Week 6 Concepts; The Respiratory System - Anatomy (Edapt Quiz)
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Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Lilian Owens

Edapt General Functions of the Respiratory System Quiz


Anatomy and Physiology III with Lab-Holsey > Unit 6


  1. What structures are used by both the respiratory and digestive systems?
  2. Which is not a function of the respiratory system?
  3. The terms "upper respiratory system" and "lower respiratory system" are categorizations of the respiratory system.
  1. Match the type of respiration with its appropriate description.
  2. Check all boxes that contain a known function of the respiratory system.
  3. True or False: Gas molecules move down their pressure gradient, from high to low gas pressure.
  4. Pulmonary respiration:
  5. Pulmonary ventilation (breathing) can also be described as:
  6. True or False: Pulmonary respiration involves the exchange of gases between the atmosphere and the blood.
  7. True or False: CO2 is created during cellular respiration.
  8. True or False: Oxygen is created during respiration.
  9. Which of the following is the movement of gases into and out of the lungs?
  10. Which of the following statements is correct?
  11. The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the air in the alveoli and blood in the lungs is called:
  12. True or False: Cellular Respiration is the exchange of gases between the blood and the cells (tissues).
  13. Which statement accurately describes alveolar exchange of oxygen?
  14. Which of the following is not a function of the respiratory system?



Instituition / Term
Term Summer
Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Lilian Owens

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