BIOS 255 Week 5 Concepts; The Immune System (Edapt Introduction to the Immune System Quiz)

  • BIOS 255 Week 5 Concepts; The Immune System (Edapt Introduction to the Immune System Quiz)
  • $25.00

Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Lilian Owens

Edapt Introduction to the Immune System

Anatomy and Physiology III with Lab-Holsey > Unit 5 quiz


1.       How many specific lines of defense are formed by our immune system?

2.       What are some of the names of non-specific immunity? Select all that apply.

3.       Innate defenses are:

4.       A child has scratched their knee while playing football, which line of defense is compromised, and which do you think will activate first to provide protection:

5.       Select all that apply. Identify the characteristics of the non-specific immune system: Select all that apply.

6.       Identify the characteristics of the specific immune system:

7.       Which of the following is an example of a first line of defense?

8.       Select all that apply. The second line of defense is formed by:

9.             lacks the capacity to remember a pathogen or react differently to it in the future, whereas      utilizes memory cells to adapt to a given pathogen and ward it off more easily in the future.

10.   True or False: The response rate of non-specific immunity is slower than specific immune response

11.   Third line of defense includes:


Instituition / Term
Term Summer
Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Lilian Owens

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