BIOS 255 Week 1 Quiz (Practice Questions)

  • BIOS 255 Week 1 Quiz (Practice Questions)
  • $25.00

Institution BIOS 255 Anatomy & Physiology III with Lab
Contributor Lilian Owens

1.Question: Which of the following would be a normal hematocrit in an adult male?

2.Question: Which of the following is NOT a function of blood?

3.Question: Plasma proteins which act as antibodies and attack foreign proteins are classified as

4.Question: An adult human contains about of blood

5.Question: Blood makes up of the total body mass

6.Question: The most abundant molecule present in blood plasma is

7.Question: The primary site of hemopoiesis in adult humans is in the

8.Question: The specific process by which red blood cells are formed is called

9.Question: Chemotherapy tends to destroy normal marrow cells as well as cancerous cells. Which of the following might be used to stimulate hemopoiesis in a cancer patient?

10.Question: The stem cell that differentiates to form all types of blood cells is the

11.Question: Aged red blood cells are destroyed mainly by macrophages in the .

12.Question: Which of the following statements is true?

13.Question: A high reticulocyte count might indicate

14.Question: Identify cell B.

15.Question: Which blood cell type is elevated in a parasitic infection?

16.Question: Which of the following is an agranular leukocyte that leaves the blood and becomes a wandering macrophage?

17.Question: White blood cells are identified microscopically by the shape of  their  ____ and presence or absence of ___ in the cytoplasm.

18.Question: Neutrophils and macrophages are active in

19.  Question: Identify cell A.

20.Question: Which of the cells in the figure is an agranular WBC?

21.Question: Which of the cells in the figure consists of two types designated B and T cells?

22.Question: Which of the cells in the figure will become a macrophage when it leaves the blood?

23.Question: Which action of white blood cells does this figure show?

24.Question: Which formed elements of the blood are produced from fragmentation of megakaryocytes?

25.Question: Which of the following statements describes platelets?

26.Question: When a blood vessel is damaged, clot formation includes the conversion of fibrinogen into by the action of the enzyme .

27.Question: Vascular spasms and platelet plug formation are steps in

28.Question: During clotting, prothrombin is activated to form

29.Question: Which of the following begins the common pathway in clotting?

30.Question: Fibrinolysis refers to

31.Question: Clotting may occur in an undamaged blood vessel. When that clot breaks loose and circulates through the bloodstream it is called

32.Question: Which blood type in theory could be considered the universal donor?

33.Question: An individual who lacks A and B agglutinogens and has both A and B agglutinins has ABO blood type

34.Question: In the condition "hemolytic disease of the newborn",

35.Question: Which of the following is true concerning the Rh blood group?

36.Question: What blood type is indicated by C?

37.Question: The presence of an abnormal hemoglobin molecule results in the inability of RBCs to maintain their shape when oxygen levels in the blood decrease. This condition is known as

38.Question: An inherited inability to produce clotting factor VIII or IX results in the condition known as

39.Question: Inadequate absorption of vitamin B12 leads to anemia

40.Question: Which of the following blood diseases is characterized by the production of large numbers of immature leukocytes?



Instituition / Term
Term Year 2022
Institution BIOS 255 Anatomy & Physiology III with Lab
Contributor Lilian Owens

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