BIOS 252 Week 6 Lab; Endocrine System

  • BIOS 252 Week 6 Lab; Endocrine System
  • $15.00

Institution BIOS 252 Anatomy and Physiology II wi/Lb
Contributor Steve Sanders

Week 6 Endocrine System Lab


Learning Objectives

  • Learn about the endocrine role of the pancreas.
  • Understand Type 2 diabetes mellitus risk factors and effects.
  • Understand the function of insulin and glucagon.



Introduction: The pancreas functions as both an endocrine and exocrine gland, with 99% of its activity centered around the exocrine secretion of digestive enzymes and sodium bicarbonate. Today we will discuss the crucial endocrine role of the pancreas. Glucose is an important energy source for the body. In order to use that energy, the body needs the hormone insulin. In diabetes mellitus, the body either does not produce enough insulin, or it does not function properly. This results in high levels of glucose in the blood, which cannot be used as energy. Over time, high blood glucose levels can cause nerve damage to the eyes and nerves, as well as damage to the kidneys and cardiovascular system. We will understand better how a person develops Type 2 diabetes and what they must do to maintain health. You will learn how to perform fingerstick blood sugar testing and even how to administer insulin.




Part 1 Complete the activities on Anatomy. TV Endocrine System: Pancreas


  • To access Anatomy.TV: Resources tab>Library>Library Resources-Database A- Z>Anatomy.TV>Titles(default tab): Choose Endocrine system>choose Pancreas
  • You will then work through the material and activities by scrolling down on the right. This will allow you to see and work through all activities for that section.
  • Have the lab report with you as you complete the activities to record data.


Part 2 Complete Labster “Diabetes”

Have the lab report with you as you complete the lab to record data. The theory section is a useful resource.


Part 3 Complete the Lab Report


Endocrine System Lab Report


    1. Complete the following table regarding hormones secreted by the pancreas. (3 points)
    2. What is the name of the regions in the pancreas that secrete hormones? (1 point)
    3. Discuss the endocrine pancreas role in homeostasis. (1 point)


  1. What are 2 symptoms of diabetes mellitus? (see theory Type 2 DM symptoms) (2 points)
  2. Complete the chart regarding medications to reduce blood sugar: (see theory: insulin and non-insulin therapies) (4 points)
  3. Name 2 symptoms of hypoglycemia? (See theory low blood glucose) (2 points)
  4. What instrument is used to measure blood glucose in the simulation? (1 point)



Instituition / Term
Term Summer Session
Institution BIOS 252 Anatomy and Physiology II wi/Lb
Contributor Steve Sanders

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