BIOS 252 Week 5 Answers

  • BIOS 252 Week 5 Answers
  • $39.00

Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Pamela Anderson

The Senses

  1. The finger-like projections extending from the neuron’s cell body that are most frequently the site of stimulation and formation of graded potentials are called


  1. An axon with a diameter carries electrical impulses the fastest.
  2. Fill in the blank.
  3. Place each description under the appropriate sense type.
  4. Exteroceptors receptors sense information coming from the outside. Interoceptor sense information originating from the inside while Proprioceptor receptors sense information about body position.
  5. Match the names to the correct descriptions
  6. The process in which a sensory structure is stimulated and creates a graded potential in a neuron is called:
  7. If a person were to feel pain in the indicated regions, which organ is most likely hurt or damaged? Click on the options below for correct answer.
  8. To is when a stimulus successfully stimulates an action potential in its specific neuron. How your brain interprets the message is how the stimulus is


  1. Match the name of the receptors to their descriptions
  2. Any senses categorized as special senses have this in common
  3. are the fast adapting type of sensory receptors. They sense a stimuli and then shutdown very quickly. are the slowly adapting receptors.


Tactile Receptors

  1. True or False: Receptors for Pressure and stretch are only exteroreceptors.
  2. True or False: A single neuron and its receptor can sense multiple stimulus types.
  3. What type of sense is touch considered?
  4. True or false: Grabbing and feeling an object might use all the receptor types in order for the brain to perceive what it is touching.
  5. Select all that apply: Indicate the receptors that sense pressure.
  6. Select all that apply: Indicate the receptors that sense vibration.
  7. The tactile sensations include all of the following EXCEPT
  8. True or False: Tactile receptors are found only in the skin.
  9. Select all that apply: Indicate the receptors that sense touch.
  10. This receptor senses very light touch and low frequencies.
  11. Label the following image with the proper tactile receptors.


Structures of the Eye

  1. The special senses are considered special because
  2. The special cells of the eye are
  3. The white portion of your eye is called the Sclera while the clear portion of the fibrous tunic is called the cornea.
  4. Label the retina appropriately.
  5. Match the picture to the cell type.
  6. Match the name of the structures to their descriptions:
  7. From the white outer layer to the inner layer, the names of the layers of the eye are called:
  8. A person born with Albinism lacks the pigment in their skin as well as their eyes. This means that the color of their iris will be:
  9. Match the name of the structures to their descriptions:
  10. The superior rectus rotates the eye , while the inferior rectus rotates the eye__.
  11. Select all that apply: The accessory structures of the eye include


Visual Pathways

  1. This structure of the eye is somewhat pliable and can be stretched to focus an image onto the retina
  2. In the retina, the cells sense hues of gray while the cells sense color.
  3. Select all that apply Color Blindness arises from genetic anomalies or lack photo pigments. If you are red-green color blind you are probably lacking pigments in these types of cones
  4. Fill in the boxes with the appropriate descriptions
  5. Because of the setup of the eye, the image winds up Upside-down on the retina
  6. When it is dark, the primary receptors sensing light are the . When walking around in the day time, the primary photo receptors sensing light are the .
  7. Select all that apply. The main structures that cause light to refract are
  8. The papillary muscles can adjust the shape of the lens. This gives the eye the ability to
  9. True or False: Overstimulating the photoreceptors can cause them to be stuck in on mode.



  1. Olfaction is a fancy way of saying
  2. Olfaction is considered..
  3. The name of the stem cells that develop into olfactory cells are called
  4. The olfactory cells are located in the portion of the nasal cavity.
  5. Which of these is NOT one of the three areas of the brain that the olfactory sends info to are:
  6. In order for the signal for smell to arrive at the primary olfactory area, the smell must pass through the thalamus.
  7. The axons of the primary sensor neuron pass through the foramen of this bone marking.



  1. 1.Gustation is the sense of
  2. Chemoreceptors sense
  3. Taste buds. Which of these statements is correct for the taste buds?
  4. Location of Taste Buds. Select all the locations where the taste buds can be found from the options below.
  5. Label the tongue with the four papillae.
  6. The Five Tastes. Identify five different tastes sensed by gustatory receptor cells and match them with their correct category.
  7. Taste Buds in Papilla. One of these is not like the others. Indicate which papilla doesn’t have taste buds at some point in life.
  8. Gustatory Receptor Cells. True or False – Gustatory receptor cells use chemoreceptors to sense tastants.
  9. Taste Buds Location. Which of these regions of the oral cavity has taste buds? Select all that apply.
  10. Cranial Nerves. True or False – Two cranial nerves broadcast the gustatory stimuli to the brain.
  11. The Five Tastes. One of these is not like the others. Indicate which one of these is not one of the five tastes?
  12. Primary Gustatory Area. The primary gustatory area is located in which hemisphere of the brain?


Gross and Microscopic Anatomy of the Ear

  1. External ear infections (otitis externa) are often referred to as
  2. How many chambers does the ear contain?
  3. Label the Parts of the Outer Ear
  4. Match the term and definition.
  5. Put the structures and liquids in the appropriate
  6. Put the structures and liquids in the appropriate
  7. The auditory Tube is located in the middle ear while the auditory Canal is the pathway sound waves follow to strike the tympanic membrane.
  8. Cerumen is
  9. The auditory canal is the part of the ear that is most likely to be infected.
  10. Select all that apply> The three small bones in the middle ear :
  11. Label the image:



Auditory Pathways

  1. Label the Outer Middle and Inner ear
  2. The hair cells release neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft after they’re depolarized by the influx of this ion :
  3. Amplitude is detected by how much the basilar membrane is shaken while Frequency is detected by what part of the basilar membrane shakes.
  4. The is attached to Hair cells and can be vibrated by sound waves. Doing so disturbs the hair cells and causes them to generate an electric gradient.
  5. The ear is protected by loud noises via the reflex.
  6. High Frequencies vibrate the basilar membrane on the proximal end while Low frequencies vibrate the basilar membrane on the distal end.
  7. Indicate if this sentence is correct, if not chose the correct sentence: The oval window is bigger than the tympanic membrane, thus the ossicles help produce smaller pressure waves in the perilymph


  1. True or False Proprioceptors differ from receptors for equilibrium in that proprioceptors are located in the vestibule whereas the receptors of equilibrium are found in ligaments, tendons and muscles
  2. The part of the ear selected by the red circle in the image is responsible for sensing equilibrium.
  3. Associate the parts of the ear that would be used to sense movement on these particular amusement park attractions.
  4. Indicate in which part of the ear you would find otolithic membranes.
  5. Key in the correct answer in the box below. The ampulla houses the special hair cells that sense rotational acceleration
  6. Indicate the region where the reflex is sent from
  7. The hair cells in the ampulla are embedded in a gelatinous membrane called the

  to sense rotational acceleration while the utricle and saccule have membranes called to sense linear acceleration.

  1. Which cavity has its macula oriented appropriately to sense the linear acceleration of going up and down produced by this ride?
  2. The ampulla combined with the semicircular canal sense acceleration. The saccule and utricle sense acceleration.
  3. Proprioreceptors differ from the receptors of the special sense, equilibrium in that….
  4. Rotational acceleration is initially sensed when you rotate your head and the endolymph accelerates faster than your head.


Predictions Related to Disruption of Homeostasis

  1. The part of the eye that senses light is called
  2. A patient will describe to you their symptom while a sign will be perceived by you.
  3. A patient has come into triage complaining of being dizzy. To be considered true vertigo, what must the patient mean when they say they feel dizzy?
  4. There are two different types of macular degeneration. A “dry” type and a “wet” type. Wet refers to the presence of recently made but poorly built capillaries.
  5. A professional football player was tackled awkwardly and now says that he is dizzy each time he moves his head. You also notice his eyes are moving rhythmically. The dizziness subsides after thirty seconds. You decide to ask him some clarifying questions about his symptom, one of them will be
  6. A 55 year-old client has entered into your office complaining of blurred vision. You are asked by the healthcare provider to dilate his pupil and take a picture of the retina. The retina shows numerous little yellow bumps/deposits resembling little stones. What eye condition would you expect this client has?
  7. You are part of triage where you take notes of the patient’s signs of vertigo. You have the patient turn their head. You then look at the patient’s eyes. Which of the following would be a sign of vertigo?
  8. A 55 year-old male patient has entered into your office complaining of blurred vision. You are asked by the doctor to run a couple of quick eye tests on him. You give him a grid of lines and tell him to look at the center, middle dot and ask him to describe what he sees. If he has macular degeneration, you would expect to hear him say that
  9. There are multiple causes for Vertigo, most of them trigger it via a build up of pressure in the membranous labyrinth. Select all that would cause increased pressure in the membranous labyrinth.



Instituition / Term
Term Uploaded 2023
Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Pamela Anderson

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