BIOS 252 Week 2 Nervous System-Introduction - Lab

  • BIOS 252 Week 2 Nervous System-Introduction - Lab
  • $15.00

Institution BIOS 252 Anatomy and Physiology II wi/Lb
Contributor Steve Sanders

Week 2 Nervous System-Introduction

Learning Outcomes:

  • Organize the NS into structural and functional divisions
  • Locate and identify the cellular components of nervous tissue
  • Explain the formation of the resting membrane potential and the action potential, and the propagation of the action potential to form a nerve impulse.
  • Explain the factors involved in the transmission of an action potential from one neuron to another in the synapse.


The nervous system is a vast network of neurons that act as a communication system throughout the body. The structures of the nervous system include the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. Today you will explore its organization and cellular components. You will also explore the physiology of action potentials that allows communication via electrical impulses.


Part 1: Complete the activities in Anatomy.TV Nervous system: Introduction, Organization, Nervous tissue, Action Potentials, Synapses

Part 2: Complete the lab report.

Nervous System Lab Report

  1. List the components of the central nervous system vs the peripheral nervous system. (1 point; ½ point each)
  2. Compare and contrast the following parts of the peripheral NS utilizing the chart: (3 points; 1/2 point each)
  3. Label the neuron with the following terms. (½ point each for 2 ½ points)

Axon, hillock, myelin sheath, soma, dendrites

  1. Name the 3 distinct phases of an action potential. (1 point each for 3 points)
  2. a. What is myelin? (½ point)

b. What is its function in the myelin sheath? (1 point)

  1. What is the general function of neuroglia? (½ point)

7. a. Which neuroglia provides the myelin sheath in the CNS? (½ point)

b. Which neuroglia provides the myelin sheath in the PNS? (½ point)

  1. When an action potential reaches the presynaptic axon terminal it will lead to depolarization of the membrane triggering opening of voltage gated calcium channels.

What will result from the increase in calcium in the presynaptic axon terminal? (See synapse tab) (1 ½ points)

  1. How does the CNS interact with the PNS? (1 point)



Instituition / Term
Term Summer Session
Institution BIOS 252 Anatomy and Physiology II wi/Lb
Contributor Steve Sanders

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