BIOS 252 Week 1 Kahoot

  • BIOS 252 Week 1 Kahoot
  • $20.00

Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Kathrine
  1. The term thick filament refers to what protein?
    1. Myosin
    2. Actin
    3. Titin
    4. Globulin
  2. The layer of tissue that surrounds each muscle fascicle is called?
    1. Sarcoplasm
    2. Perimysium
    3. Endomysium
    4. Epimysium
  3. This organelle stores calcium for muscle contraction
    1. Nucleus
    2. Sarcolemma
    3. Mitochondria
    4. Sarcoplasmic reticulum
  4. Immediate 15 sec energy pathway (phosphagen system) provides ATP by
    1. Alanine
    2. Caffeine
    3. Creatine
    4. Glutamate
  5. Which of the following is an example of eccentric contraction?
    1. Bench press
    2. Push up
    3. Pull up
    4. Bring arm back to resting after biceps curl
  6. The neurotransmitter released at the neuromuscular junction is
    1. Glutamate
    2. Acetylcholine
    3. Serotonin
    4. Aspartate
  7. A muscle with a fascicular arrangement on both sides of a centrally positioned tendon?
    1. Unipennate
    2. Bipennate
    3. Fusiform
    4. Parallel
  8. A man runs 5K marathon. Which type of muscle fibers enable the greatest resistance to fatigue?
    1. Slow oxidative
    2. Fast glycolytic
    3. Fast oxidative glycolytic
    4. None of the above
  9. Contracting a muscle without a change in muscle length is known as what type of contraction?
    1. Isotonic contraction
    2. Isometric contraction
    3. Hypertonic contraction
    4. Hypotonic contraction
  10. What is the attachment to the stationary bone called?
    1. Origin
    2. Connection
    3. Insertion
    4. Attachment


Instituition / Term
Term Uploaded 2023
Institution Chamberlain
Contributor Kathrine

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