BIOS 252 Week 1 Case Study; Muscle

  • BIOS 252 Week 1 Case Study; Muscle
  • $15.00

Institution BIOS 252 Anatomy & Physiology II w/Lb
Contributor Catherin
  1. Name the muscles severed during the amputation event.
  2. If the patient were no longer to properly pronate his arm, which muscle do you think has been compromised?
  3. In general, a patient with a severed limb has a smaller window of time for successful replantation when compared with finger replantation surgery. This is in part due to the difference in tissue composition of the two anatomical structures. What does this say about the metabolic demands for muscles, cartilage, and bone? Why do you suppose that is?
  4. What tissue type can be found bridging the two halves of the once severed muscle bellies? Why? (Hint: How do muscles grow, hyperplasia or hypertrophy?)



Instituition / Term
Term 2022
Institution BIOS 252 Anatomy & Physiology II w/Lb
Contributor Catherin

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