BIOS 242 Week 8 Final Exam StudyGuide plus Review

  • BIOS 242 Week 8 Final Exam StudyGuide plus Review
  • $55.00

Institution BIOS 242 Fundamentals of Microbiology with Lab
Contributor elizabeth Oslen
  1. Question: Why is it inappropriate to prescribe antibacterial agents to treat colds or flu?
  2. Question: Why are Antiviral drugs difficult to develop?
  3. Question: What is the composition of blood?
  4. Question: Which stage of protozoan allows for transmission of intestinal parasites from one host to another?
  5. Question: Which of the stages of an infectious disease is the most severe?
  6. Question: Common cold?
  7. Question: What is a symptom?
  8. Question: What are functions of IgG?
  9. Question: When bacteria flourish and grow in the blood stream,
  10. Question: What type of infection is candidiasis?
  11. Question: What are Signs?
  12. Question: What is Trichomonas vaginalis
  13. Question: What is the pathogenic process underlying Rocky Mountain spotted fever?
  14. Question: What is the chemical structure of an antibody?
  15. Question: What is teratogenic?
  16. Question: What is sterilization?
  17. Question: What is Sebum and what is it used for?
  18. Question: What is pus?
  19. Question: What is Parasitism?
  20. Question: What are type immunizations?
  21. Question: What is horizontal gene transfer, give examples
  22. Question: What is gene therapy
  23. Question: What is Fermentation?
  24. Question: What is ATP?
  25. Question: What is a residual body?
  26. Question: What is a Membrane attack complexes (MAC)?
  27. Question: What is a complement system and how does it work?
  28. Question: What groups of drugs can become incorporated into the teeth and bones of a fetus?
  29. Question: What causes the most peptic ulcers?
  30. Question: What causes streptococcal pharyngitis?
  31. Question: What causes Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome?
  32. Question: What causes Spongiform encephalitis?
  33. Question: What causes Ringworm?
  34. Question: What causes Necrotizing fasciitis?
  35. Question: What causes Lyme disease
  36. Question: What causes Hansen's disease?
  37. Question: What causes bubonic and pneumonic plague?
  38. Question: What is Tuberculin skin test?
  39. Question: What are undifferentiated Stem cells?
  40. Question: What are the signs of tularemia?
  41. Question: What are the characteristics present on skin but not on mucous membranes?
  42. Question: What are some Important characteristics of antimicrobial drugs?
  43. Question: What are Perforins and granzymes?
  44. Question: What are Memory B cells?
  45. Question: What are Mast cells, what does Mast cells release?
  46. Question: What are Fomites?
  47. Question: What are fastidious Bacteria?
  48. Question: What are enzymes?
  49. Question: What are emerging and reemerging diseases
  50. Question: What are dimorphic fungi?
  51. Question: What are different types of acquired immunity.
  52. Question: What are Cytotoxic T cells?
  53. Question: What are Carriers?
  54. Question: What are autoimmune diseases? Give examples
  55. Question: What are Antigens?
  56. Question: Viruses that cause infection resulting in alternating periods of activity with symptoms and inactivity without symptoms are called:
  57. Question: Urinary tract infections caused by E.coli.
  58. Question: Types of granulocytes?
  59. Question: Type I hypersensitivity reaction?
  60. Question: Tsetse flies transmit what disease?
  61. Question: TORCH is an acronym that represents the most common
  62. Question: Three types of reservoirs of infectious disease in humans.
  63. Question: This viral infection is characterized by unusual oral lesions called Koplik’s spot followed by red maculopapular exanthema.
  64. Question: This immunoglobulin type is often found as a dimer and found in body secretions such as breast milk
  65. Question: The type of immunoglobulin that forms a pentamer is what?
  66. Question: The type of immunoglobulin that forms a dimer is what?
  67. Question: The three cell types discussed, eukaryotes, archaea, and bacteria, all derived from what?
  68. Question: The second time Mary came into contact with a child with chicken pox, her cells showed __Memory___ by responding more quickly than the first time she was exposed.
  69. Question: The physician has ordered a histoplasmosis test for the elderly client. How is histoplasmosis is transmitted to humans:
  70. Question: The most prevalent type of antibody in the blood is what?
  71. Question: The most common sexually transmitted bacterium is what?
  72. Question: The most common cause of traveler's diarrhea is what?
  73. Question: The most common bacterial cause of diarrhea in the United States is what?
  74. Question: The majority of NADH is produced in where?
  75. Question: The humoral immune response is attributed to the action of what cells?
  76. Question: The granules of basophils contain what?
  77. Question: The Gram staining procedure. -
  78. Question: The DTaP vaccine protects against which of the following respiratory diseases?
  79. Question: The designation "T" for T lymphocytes comes from the what?- Thymus
  80. Question: The client with varicella will most likely have an order for which category of medication?
  81. Question: Tetanus symptoms in babies include what?
  82. Question: Surface proteins can help scientists distinguish between what?
  83. Question: Sue fell while hiking, cutting her leg and hitting her head. She went to the ER, where she received a tetanus shot. Why did the nurse practitioner order the shot?
  84. Question: Stomach ulcers (gastric ulcers) are caused by:
  85. Question: STI and STD :
  86. Question: Spontaneous generation?
  87. Question: Smallpox was the first human disease to be eradicated true or false?
  88. Question: Smallpox
  89. Question: Signs and symptoms of disease.
  90. Question: Shingles, or herpes zoster, is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox true or false?
  91. Question: Risk for E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus in food contamination:
  92. Question: Rabies?
  93. Question: Pyruvic acid is the end product of what pathway?
  94. Question: Protists include:
  95. Question: Prion disease?
  96. Question: Pasteurization of milk helps to prevent what?
  97. Question: Parasitic helminths
  98. Question: Pap smears are used in the diagnosis of what?
  99. Question: Pain, swelling, and redness might be signs of what?
  100. Question: Ship outbreak of diarrheal illness could be caused by what?
  101. Question: Nonspecific chemical defenses include what?
  102. Question: Neisseria gonorrhoeae is
  103. Question: Natural acquired passive immunity includes what?
  104. Question: Microbial growth on food at refrigeration temperatures?
  105. Question: Major events in glycolysis:
  106. Question: List and describe the structure of each of the five classes of antibody molecules. Which        one is produced first in the disease process? Which is the most prevalent?
  107. Question: Innate immunity and its preventative physiology can be seen where?
  108. Question: Influenza virus and viral gene exchange
  109. Question: Infectious mononucleosis :
  110. Question: Infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus 
  111. Question: Infection of the lymphatic vessels is known as what?
  112. Question: Hypersensitivity reaction involves only cell mediated immunity.
  113. Question: How to diagnose tuberculosis
  114. Question: How is an iatrogenic disease acquired?
  115. Question: Histoplasma capsulatum?
  116. Question: Hepatitis A, B and C viruses:
  117. Question: Hepatitis A is causes what disease?
  118. Question: Helminthic infection produces which antibody in the patient's serum?
  119. Question: First line of defense may be described as what?
  120. Question: Extracellular state of virus is also known as what?
  121. Question: Example for noncellular infections agents include
  122. Question: Escherichia coli infection causes what disease?
  123. Question: Elevated numbers of eosinophils. What class of infectious organisms causes this?
  124. Question: During which growth phase are bacteria more susceptible to antimicrobial drugs?-
  125. Question: Discuss HIV and AIDS-
  126. Question: Discuss Helper T cells
  127. Question: Discuss Ebola-
  128. Question: Bacteremia, septicemia, toxemia
  129. Question: Components of second line of defense
  130. Question: Becca has the flu. What type of immunity is being produced by her body?
  131. Question: Axenic systems of the body include what?
  132. Question: Autoantibodies are produced in which diseases?
  133. Question: Antibiotics are inhibitors of synthesis of peptidoglycan layer in cell wall of bacteria
  134. Question: An infection of a hair follicle at the base of an eyelid is called what?
  135. Question: A(n) organism that cannot survive in the presence of oxygen are called what?
  136. Question: A wandering macrophage may leave the bloodstream and become what?
  137. Question: A foreign molecule that causes a specific immune response is called what?
  138. Question: A distinctive feature of secondary syphilis is what?
  139. Question: "Swimmer's itch" is an initial symptom of what diseases?
  140. Question: "Rice-water stools" are associated with disease caused by which organism?



Instituition / Term
Term Summer 2021
Institution BIOS 242 Fundamentals of Microbiology with Lab
Contributor elizabeth Oslen

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