BIOS 242 Week 8 Final Exam Practice Questions

  • BIOS 242 Week 8 Final Exam Practice Questions
  • $55.00

Institution BIOS 242 Fundamentals of Microbiology with Lab
Contributor elizabeth Oslen
  1. Question: Which of the following statements about pork tapeworm is false?
  2. Question: Normal microbiota of the digestive system would be found in the
  3. Question: The best definition of an antigen is
  4. Question: Which of the following is a mechanism not used by microbes to resist antibiotics
  5. Question: Which of the following statements about fungi is true?
  6. Question: Endotoxins
  7. Question: Which of the following pairs is mismatched?
  8. Question: A culture medium consisting of only agar and beef heart is a
  9. Question: Your patient is suffering from fungal meningitis, a possible culprit is
  10. Question: An infectious protein is called
  11. Question: A facultative anaerobic bacterium produces ATP
  12. Question: Antigenic variation is best described as
  13. Question: Septicemia occurs when
  14. Question: Which member of the normal microbiota of the vaginal canal can also act as an opportunistic pathogen
  15. Question: Viruses that infect and ultimately rupture the infected cell are called
  16. Question: Most nosocomial infections of the urinary tract are caused by
  17. Question: Which one of the following microbes cause a disease characterized by the catarrhal, paroxysmal, and convalescent stages?
  18. Question: Which one of the following statements about genital warts is false?
  19. Question: In humans, beef tapeworm infestations are acquired by
  20. Question: Which of the following diseases is NOT caused by a bacterium?
  21. Question: Which of the following microorganisms causes lung infection similar to tuberculosis?
  22. Question: In a Polymerase Chain Reaction
  23. Question: Epidemics of bacterial infections of the digestive system such as Cholera are often transmitted by
  24. Question: Commensal bacteria (decomposers) are
  25. Question: Which of the following causes an infection of the liver?
  26. Question: Which of the following is a method of culturing viruses?
  27. Question: Kuru is caused by
  28. Question: For which type of virus is genetic material created inside the host nucleus
  29. Question: A 28 year old female is admitted to hospital with symptoms of encephalitis. You notice that the patient is also showing signs of hydrophobia and has evidence of a bite on her hand. What is your diagnosis?
  30. Question: In parasitic interactions
  31. Question: Thrush (yeast infection of the oral cavity) is cause by
  32. Question: Cilia
  33. Question: Which tissue would have the lowest chance of rejection from the patient during transplantation
  34. Question: Which of the following did Ignaz Semmelweis use to reduce mortality at his workplace?
  35. Question: Which phylum of bacteria contains nitrogen fixers
  36. Question: The science that deals with when diseases occur and how they are transmitted is called
  37. Question: You have isolated a prokaryotic organism. Which test would you use to detect the presence of a specific sequence using a DNA probe
  38. Question: Which of the following is domain in the three-domain system?
  39. Question: Actinobacteria are similar to Firmicutes because they have
  40. Question: If two microbes have very similar morphological features and DNA sequences, you can conclude that
  41. Question: A gene is best defined as
  42. Question: Which of the following is not a level of food irradiation
  43. Question: Which organism is classified as a Eukaryote in the current three domain system
  44. Question: Which of following best describes a lag phase
  45. Question: Which of the following is type of bond that forms between atoms in a single carbohydrate molecule
  46. Question: Which of the following is best at reducing, but not eliminating, microbial contamination?
  47. Question: Which of the following statements about Lyme disease is false?
  48. Question: Who was the first to observe microorganisms with a microscope?
  49. Question: Which of the following does not occur during an inflammation response?
  50. Question: Ports of entry into the human body include
  51. Question: Salts and sugars work to preserve foods by creating a(n)
  52. Question: By which of the following mechanisms can a cell transport a dissolved substance across a membrane without using any ATP
  53. Question: Which type of molecule is composed of amino acid subunits?
  54. Question: What kind of organic molecule is an enzyme?
  55. Question: A psychrophile is an organism that likes growing in
  56. Question: Biological vectors can spread microbes through
  57. Question: Which one of the following organelles could be used to store and transport organic molecules such as proteins within the cell
  58. Question: Protoplast fusion is a process where
  59. Question: An enzyme that separates DNA into separate strands is called
  60. Question: Which of the following statements is true?



  1. Question: Please indicate whether you find aerobic or anaerobic microbes in littoral, limnetic, profundal, and benthic aquatic zones.
  2. Question: Compare and contrast continuous feed (No break/ constant flow) and batch process production (sequence of steps that should be performed in a defined order)
  3. Question: Compare and contrast Taeniasis ( Adult tapeworm/ infection in the intestine) and Neurocysticerosis (Larvae lodge in brain/ infection in the brain)
  4. Question: Not including beer and wine, list two other food products made through fermentation by microbes
  5. Question: Compare and contrast composting (reuse poop in the soil) and secondary stage sewage treatment (used microbes to reduce organic materials/ aerobes oxidize organic materials)
  6. Question: What are three applications of biotechnology that can improve human health
  7. Question: What bacterium causes gas gangrene, is it aerobic or anaerobic, what is the primary sign of this disease
  8. Question: Compare and contrast thermophilic anaerobic spoilage (can inflates/ don’t need to open the can) and flat sour spoilage (there is no gas production/ needs to open the can)
  9. Question: Please list three main forms of syphilis when the disease enters its
  10. Question: Compare and contrast Streptococcus Pneumoniae (gram positive/ causes pneumonia and meningitis) and Haemophilus Influenzae (causes meningitis/ gram negative)
  11. Question: Compare and contrast Ebola (emerging) and Dengue (classic)
  12. Question: What microbe causes Pyelonephritis, what disease does it progress from, and what organ can become damaged?
  13. Question: What are the four general types of skin rashes and how would you describe these rashes.
  14. Question: Compare and contrast Dental Caries (cavities) (formation of biofilm of saliva proteins) and gingivitis (inflammation and bleeding of the gums)
  15. Question: Please list two biotechnology methods that insert DNA into host cells.
  16. Question: What are two viruses that can affect the nervous system. How does each gain entry to the body?
  17. Question: What are two arthropods associated with cardiovascular diseases. For each arthropod what disease do they cause, or what microbe can they transmit
  18. Question: Compare and contrast Scarlett fever (swollen strawberry tongue) and Rheumatic fever (affects heart, brain and joints/ rare in US/ develops if scarlet fever is not cured)
  19. Question: What are two different diseases caused by Neisseria Gonorrhoeae (gonorrhea and ophthalmia neonatorum) and what are two different diseases caused by Chlamydia Trachomatis (trachoma and chlamydia)

Bonus Question. Who was Typhoid Mary.


Instituition / Term
Term Summer 2021
Institution BIOS 242 Fundamentals of Microbiology with Lab
Contributor elizabeth Oslen

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