BIOS 242 Week 8 Final Exam

  • BIOS 242 Week 8 Final Exam
  • $55.00

Institution BIOS 242 Fundamentals of Microbiology with Lab
Contributor elizabeth Oslen
  1. Question: (Co 1) Which of the following scientist disapproved the theory of spontaneous generation
  2. Question: (Co 1) Which of the following pairs of career descriptions and work tasks is not correctly matched?
  3. Question: (Co 2) DNA inside the nucleus is best described as
  4. Question: (Co 3) Capsule is pathogenic factor in bacteria, lack of this feature will
  5. Question: (Co1) The three cell types discussed, eukaryotes, archaea, and bacteria, all derived from ____.
  6. Question: (Co2) Correcting or repairing faulty gene in humans suffering form fatal ordebilitating disease is known as______
  7. Question: (Co3) Bacteria that require specific growth factors and complex nutrients are termed___.
  8. Question: (Co 1) Capsule staining procedure is best describedasa staining technique.
  9. Question: (Co 4) Which statement is not correct regarding microbial growth on food at refrigeration temperatures?
  10. Question: (Co5) An organism that cannot tolerate any oxygen in the environment is a(n) .
  11. Question: (Co 6) The majority of ATP is produced during .
  12. Question: (Co6) Glycolysis .
  13. Question: (Co 3) Protists include .
  14. Question: (Co 3) Yeast exists in two cellular forms hyphae (multi cellular) and single cells and are hence classified as
  15. Question: (CO 4) Viruses that cause infection resulting in alternating periods of activity with symptoms and inactivity without symptoms are called ___-
  16. Question: (Co 4) Antiviral drugs are often difficult to develop, largely because
  17. Question: (Co 7) The process that destroys most microbial life, reducing contamination on inanimate objects is
  18. Question: (Co 7) Important characteristics of antimicrobial drugs include
  19. Question: (Co 8) In the acronym TORCH, the letter Rstandsfor .
  20. Question: (Co 8) Which term-definition pair is mismatched?
  21. Question: (Co 9) Nonspecific chemical defenses in tears include
  22. Question: (Co9) white blood cells increases during inflammation and parastic worm infection?
  23. Question: (Co 9) The granules of basophils contain .
  24. Question: (Co 9) Which second line of defense helps in fighting off viral infections?
  25. Question: (Co9) A foreign molecule that causes a specific immune response is a(n) .
  26. Question: (Co 9) Cyto toxic T cells
  27. Question: (Co 9) Which type of antibodies is found in body fluids?
  28. Question: (Co 9) Which of the following is a possible outcome of a type IV hypersensitivity reaction?
  29. Question: (Co 9) All of the following are autoimmune diseases except
  30. Question: (Co 9) The class of antibodies that provides immunity during secondary immune response (anamnestic response)
  31. Question: (Co10) InfectionscausedbyStaphylococcusaureusincludeallofthefollowingexcept .
  32. Question: (CO 10) In a recent surgery, when the cut area was sutured, bacteria entered the open tissue. As a result, you now have an infection of deep tissue exhibiting redness, swelling, pain, fever, and necrosis. With your knowledge of microbiology, you predict that you have a developed an infection caused by ____ .
  33. Question: (Co 10) Which of the following is a prion disease?
  34. Question: (Co 10) Which of the following statements about rabies is incorrect?
  35. Question: (Co10) When bacteria flourish and grow in the blood stream, the condition is termed___.
  36. Question: (Co 10) Pasteurization of milk helpstoprevent .
  37. Question: (Co 10) Symptoms of infectious mononucleosis include
  38. Question: (Co 10) Infection travels to the middle ear by wayofthe .
  39. Question: (Co 10) Which of the following statements is not true regarding streptococcal pharyngitis (Strep throat)?
  40. Question: (Co 10) A diagnosis of tuberculosis involves a/an .
  41. Question: (Co 10) Which of the following is a characteristic of Histoplasma capsulatum?
  42. Question: (CO 10) Influenza virus can exhibit constant mutation of viral glycoproteins, called antigenic ____ , or alternatively antigenic, which is a more serious phenomenon caused by the exchange of a viral gene with that of another influenza virus strain.
  43. Question: (Co10) Escherichia coli infections
  44. Question: (Co10) The most common bacterial cause of diarrhea in the United States is .
  45. Question: (Co 10) "Rice-water stools" are associated with disease caused by which organism?
  46. Question: (Co10) A current news story describes a cruise ship in the Caribbean with an outbreak of diarrheal illness, affecting hundreds of people. With all of those people in a small area, opening and closing doors, using handrails, etc, you are trying to figure out what infectious agent may be the cause.Your most likely guess is that thepathogenis .
  47. Question: (Co 10) Hepatitis B virus
  48. Question: (Co 10) Janey has been taking antibiotics for 10 days to counter a urinary tract infection caused by E. coli. Her UTI is eliminated, but two weeks later she has a vaginal itch. What is the likely cause?
  49. Question: (Co 10) Neisseria gonorrhoeae is
  50. Question: (Co 10) The Tuskegee Study gathered information on .
  51. Question: (Co 10) Which of the following infections can lead to cervical cancer and is vaccine preventable?
  52. Question: (Co 10) Trichomonas vaginalisisa .
  53. Question: (Co 6) All of the following pertain to enzymes (select all that apply)
  54. Question: (Co 2) Are examples of horizontal gene transfer (select all that apply)
  55. Question: (Co 6) Select which of these is/ are parasitic helminthes (select all that apply)
  56. Question: (Co 4) Noncellular infections agents include (select all that apply)
  57. Question: (Co 7) Which of these antibiotics are inhibitors of synthesis of peptidoglycan layer in cell wall of bacteria (select all that apply).
  58. Question: (CO 9) This immunoglobulin type if often found as a pentamer and first responder to invading pathogens
  59. Question: (CO 8) Nausea is a___-that is the subjective evidence of disease as sensed by the patient.
  60. Question: (CO 10) Persons with asymptomatic infections may be ____ of disease.
  61. Question: (CO 8) The number of new cases during a period of time in terms of epidemiological statistics are called _____ .
  62. Question: (CO 9) This type of hypersensitivity reaction involves only cell mediated immunity (T cell)..
  63. Question: (CO 10) A female is admitted to ER with severe abdominal pain, she had recently returned from here trip to Panama where she had tried different types of pork. Upon WBC analysis it was found that she had elevated numbers of eosinophils. What class of infectious organisms can be suspected in this case (give the scientific name) ?
  64. Question: (CO 10) Recent evidence suggests that stomach ulcers (gastric ulcers) are caused by this microorganism.
  65. Question: (CO 10) This viral infection is characterized by unusual oral lesions called Koplik’s spots followed by red maculopapular exanthema. What is the name of the disease?
  66. Question: (CO9) Explain the role of CD4 (T helper cells) in the progression from patients from being HIV positive to having AIDS. Why over the years the incidence of HIV infection has declined in the United States while the prevalence of AIDS has increased. OR (CO 9) Describe the four different types of acquired
  67. Question: (CO 8) Smallpox was globally eradicated in 1977 according to the WHO. Have other diseases been eradicated?(3 points) Why can some diseases never be eradicated? (7 points) or (CO 10) Describe three types of reservoirs of infectious disease in humans. Give an example disease for each type of reservoir.
  68. Question: (CO 11) In an episode of the television show House, Dr. House removed the patient’s tracheostomy tube and viewed into the pharynx to find evidence of a pseudomembrane. He then contacted the CDC to obtain the patient’s needed treatment. What treatment did he think the patient was suffering from? What did he obtain from the CDC, and how will it be able to effectively treat the patient? Give details of the name, Gram reaction and shape of the pathogen along with its virulence factors? Or (CO 11) Explain whether there is a greater risk for E. coli O157:H7 infection when consuming a hamburger compared to consuming a steak (5points). Discuss whether or not food poisoning can still occur after consuming a reheated pot of soup known to be contaminated with Staphylococcus aureus..


Instituition / Term
Term Summer 2021
Institution BIOS 242 Fundamentals of Microbiology with Lab
Contributor elizabeth Oslen

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